Bethink Shanghai Web3 Hackathon has officially started
时间 10Month 13Day 19Hour 00 - 10Month 15Day 22Hour 00
编组 上海市虹口区塘沽路 463 号华虹国际大厦 19 楼
Organizer:DappLearning、ECN、ETHPanda、ETHPlanet、Panta Rhei、Science
About the Activity

The 21st century is the beginning of a technological revolution and a social reshaping arena. In this world of accelerated change, witnessing disruptive technological leaps, humans seem to be trapped in a deepening dilemma, with the desire to explore the unknown and the hesitation about new technologies.

Although history has repeatedly proved that technological progress can always bring unimaginable benefits to mankind, today, with frequent personal information leaks and the monopoly of technology giants, human society is inevitably facing a new round of trust crisis. At the same time, the blockchain network, as the spiritual successor of crypto punk, has also been questioned for its centralization. Are we moving in the right direction?

Building a resilient and robust network has always been the vision pursued by Ethereum as a "decentralized smart contract platform". Technology is not just about creating wealth or improving efficiency, it should serve the common interests of mankind and should be about building a more fair, transparent and secure society.

Bethink Shanghai Web3 Hackathon will be held on October 13-15, 2024, during the Shanghai Blockchain International Week, at the 19th floor of Huahong International Building, No. 463 Tanggu Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai. The event is jointly initiated by communities such as DappLearning, ECN, ETHPanda, ETHPlanet, Panta Rhei, Science BC, and WTF.Academy (in alphabetical order), with special support from Wanxiang Blockchain Lab and artistic support from international art and science research institutions. The competition is themed "Beyond Hacking—Technology for Good" and has a total prize pool of about 100,000 yuan. It invites the world's top hackers and developers to think about the trust crisis facing human society and the centralization crisis of blockchain systems. Based on this, the competition designs and develops solutions based on the Ethereum ecosystem that can rebuild trust, defend system security, and protect personal privacy, and truly promote the development of society for good.

Event Information

Registration period: From now on - October 3, 2024

Registration method: https://tally.so/r/mOY11K

Competition time: October 13-15, 2024

Competition location: 19th Floor, Huahong International Building, No. 463 Tanggu Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai

Organizers (in alphabetical order): DappLearning, ECN, ETHPanda, ETHPlanet, Panta Rhei, Science BC, WTF.Academy

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