Blast to launch Phase 2 rewards program, allocating 10 billion BLAST

2024-07-03 09:33

BlockBeats news, on July 3, Blast officially announced the details of the second phase reward plan.

50% of the Phase 2 rewards (5 billion BLAST) are allocated to Blast Points. Users can earn Blast points based on the balances of ETH, WETH, USDB, and BLAST (pending BLIP-2 Progress Committee vote). EOA and smart contracts earn points at a rate of 0.06504987 points/block/ETH (each block is 2 seconds). USDB and BLAST earn points at the same rate as ETH based on their price denominated in ETH. That is, if ETH is $3,500, USDB will earn points at a rate of 0.06504987 points/block/3,500 USDB.

50% of Phase 2 rewards (5 billion BLAST) are allocated to Blast Gold. Dapps can earn Gold based on their traction on the Blast mainnet and in future Big Bang competitions.

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