BlockBeats News, January 12, FTX Creditor Representative Sunil disclosed the "FTX Repayment Plan Preliminary Allocation Schedule" as follows:
"Creditors with claim amounts below $50,000 are expected to receive a total of approximately $1.2 billion in compensation; FTX has requested creditors to complete the pre-allocation request (claim registration) by January 20 to ensure participation in the preliminary allocation, and repayment is not expected to commence before this date; the first round of repayment is expected to start on February 25 and may continue until March 4. This schedule provides creditors with clear guidance to timely meet FTX's requirements for a smooth compensation process."
FTX Debtors remind clients to always be vigilant against phishing emails that may appear to be from FTX Debtors and scam websites from channels that may seem to be from FTX Debtor client portals.