BlockBeats News, March 8th, Doge meme original Shiba Inu owner Kabosu @kabosumama announced, "After being hacked, this may seem suspicious, but it's true. Today, our family has added a new member. I have named her
The name Cocoro comes from the Japanese word 'こころ' (kokoro), which means 'heart.' However, I will affectionately call her 'Koko,' and I prefer the spelling 'Coco,' so her full name is 'Cocoro.' Like Neiro, she is a 10-year-old rescue dog.
When Cocoro and Neiro met for the first time, they greeted each other and behaved as intimately as if they were long-time friends. Usually, Neiro takes some time to adapt to other dogs, so seeing them so close really surprised me. I believe the two of them will surely be happily together in our home, along with three other cats, every day."