BlockBeats News, March 15th, Telegram founder Pavel Durov has left France and moved to Dubai after obtaining approval from a French court. According to Barron's citing sources familiar with the matter, on March 13th, Durov reportedly received permission from a French court to leave the country and head to Dubai – a city known for its business-friendly environment and lack of extradition agreements with many countries.
The specific terms of the court's decision are not yet clear, but Durov's relocation has once again sparked debates about jurisdiction, privacy, and the responsibility of tech leaders in combating illegal activities on their platforms. Agence France-Presse (AFP), citing an unnamed source, reported, "He (Durov) left France this morning," adding that he left with the authorities' approval. Another source indicated that he had been allowed to leave France for "several weeks."
Previously, Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France last August.