BlockBeats News, March 19th: The Bitcoin Reserve Bill in Arizona has entered the second reading stage in the House of Representatives, making it the most rapidly progressing state among all states currently deliberating on Bitcoin reserve bills in the U.S. The third reading or final vote in the House has not yet been completed. The legislative process typically involves committee review, debate, and voting, with the specific timeline depending on the House's schedule, potential amendments, and political negotiations. Key historical dates include:
· Senate First Reading: February 3, 2025
· Senate Second Reading: February 24, 2025
· Senate Third Reading: February 27, 2025, passed with 17 votes in favor, 12 against, and 1 invalid vote
· House of Representatives First Reading: March 6, 2025
· House of Representatives Second Reading: March 10, 2025
Based on historical data, the time from the House's second reading to passage of the bill varies depending on the specific circumstances and may take several weeks to months. If all goes smoothly, without significant controversy or delays, the bill may complete the House's procedures and be finally passed in April or May 2025. However, this is only a general estimate, and the actual timeline may vary due to political factors or procedural complexity.