The zkEVM implementation is fully compatible with Solidity and the ZKSync 2.0 test app UniSync is live

21-10-13 15:25
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原文标题:《 UniSync: a port of Uniswap V2 on the zkEVM 》
原文来源: Matter Labs

13 October, Ethereum Layer 2 network developer Matter Labs announced the launch of UniSync, the first migrated ZKSync 2.0 test app, marking that zkEVM has achieved full Solidity compatibility Existing Ethereum applications will be seamlessly migrated to zKSync 2.0 layer 2 networks.

To use UniSync, you can access their Uniswap V2 smart contract and front-end port:

Here are some facts about zkEVM and zkSync 2.0:

ZkEVM Common Answers

1. What is zkEVM and what is its significance?

ZkEVM is a virtual machine that executes smart contracts in a zero-knowledge proof computing compatible manner, which is the key to building evM-compliant ZK Rollup layer 2 networks while preserving battle-tested code and related knowledge. ZkEVM retains EVM semantics, but it is ZK-friendly, and it uses a traditional CPU architecture.

The launch of zkEVM represents a major turning point in encryption. Over the past year, the entire zero-knowledge proof ecosystem has grown beyond the expectations of many experts and now Solidity programmers can access the unmatched scalability, security and UX benefits of zero-knowledge proof as first-class citizens.

What is zkSync 2.0?

As we know, zkSync 1.0 layer 2 network has been online for nearly one and a half years. Here are some important data of the network:

Transfer costs are about 1/50 of ethereum's main network; Realized nearly 4 million transactions; ZkSync 1.0 was used in 98% of transactions in the last four rounds of Gitcoin grants;

ZkSync 2.0 is an EVM-compatible ZK Rollup layer 2 network, built by Matter Labs and supported by zkEVM, which means that existing Ethereum mainnet applications can migrate seamlessly to zkSync 2.0. And enjoy the scalability benefits of ZK Rollup technology.

3. What is the difference between zkSync 2.0 and Arbitrum and Optimism?

(1) Higher security: ZK Rollup eliminates the dependence on observers, replaces the economic security of game theory with cryptographic security, and users trust pure mathematics rather than motivating participants.

(2) Higher capital efficiency: In THE OR scheme, any asset extraction takes a long time (best case: 1 week), which is a safety parameter. Shortening it will have an impact on security, and the waiting time of ZK rollup is very short. There are some cross-chain Bridges that can help OR with withdrawals, but large transfers are still not possible because liquidity providers (LP) are unlikely to leave that much money idle.

(3) NFT user experience is better: IN THE OR solution, NFT extraction cannot be accelerated (not in the LP solution because NFT is unique), so the OR user actually has to wait a week OR more to extract NFT.

(4) Lower transaction costs: ZK Rollup is cheaper for most popular encryption use cases because it requires the least amount of data to be published on the chain (no signature and transaction parameters).

In addition, ZKSync 2.0 will have an extension called zkPorter, which provides a fixed transaction fee of 1-3 cents by moving data off the blockchain.

Solidity become first class citizens of the ZK Rollup Universe

In the past, developers had to switch to ZK in order to demonstrate unparalleled extensibility, security, and UX benefits with zero knowledge. Now the situation has changed and after several research and development breakthroughs it is possible for zkEVM to upgrade Solidity to first-class citizen of the ZK Rollup universe.

Using Solidity, the Web3 API, the Ethers SDK, and native Ethereum signatures, developing on zkSync feels natural and familiar. Audited codebase tested on Ethereum is just as secure on zkSync as it is on the main network. From code to developer tools, from user to developer experience, everything will be compatible.

By making Solidity the native language of ZK Rollups, zkSync retains many of ethereum's key features:

1, safety

Solidity Language currently protects over $100 billion and over $1 billion has been hacked to date, every lesson learned on security is not free, the auditing firms that have formed around Solidity and the wider security-centric community, It took more than five years, and retaining that expertise was crucial.

2. Composability

Most DApps on Ethereum are tightly coupled, and by keeping the Solidity language, zkSync keeps the composability stack intact.

While dApps written in different languages can maintain composability, this is not easy. If Uniswap or Aave were to switch to a new language, this would force many related protocols to adjust, leading to a huge wave effect!

3, energy saving

Support for the Solidity language can save you a lot of implementation work and make it easier to find developers and auditors.

Some people might worry that Solidity is less efficient than native ZK, but computational efficiency is no longer the bottleneck. The scarcest resource was, is, and will be programmers. It's hard enough recruiting developers and auditors for Solidity and even harder for a ZK language that has been in development for less than a year! If each ZK protocol has its own language, then choosing a language means being locked into a system whose success depends on the entire ecosystem shifting away from Solidity. In addition, supporting Solidity through translators can lead to more bugs and can lead to inefficient code.

In short, as an ecosystem, the transition to a new programming language is now too expensive.

Zero-knowledge proof technology relies on mathematics to achieve true distrust, and zkEVM uses its power in Solidity to create a simpler, secure and scalable future.

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