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Mable, partner at Multicoin Capital: Web3 labor market in terms of on-chain credentials

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21-10-29 16:18
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原文作者:Mable Jiang,Multicoin Capital合伙人
Noc, BlockBeats

在 2020 年,当我看到 DAOhaus 的时候,我就想:「哇,这很酷,也许在未来人们可以浏览到所有这些不同种类的 DAO,并选择参与他们喜欢的活动。他们的贡献将以 token 的形式得到支付,就像开发者在 Gitcoin 上挑选项目一样。」

But I also have some questions:If there are a thousand or 10,000 DAOs out there, how do people find what they want to do?如果人们不能在短时间内找到他们感兴趣的项目或计划,那么潜在用户开发可能会很弱。

Similarly,If a program or project has a large number of users, can it accept all applications without filtering? If a filtering mechanism is to be added, how should the barrier requirements for filtering be set?Expansion teams need to "know the people who join the team well" and understand the differences between different workforces.

I met Harry Zhang, co-founder of Project Galaxy, in March 2021. I felt Project Galaxy would have great potential, but I didn't know."Web3 Labor market」到底是什么意思。为了充分去了解它,我在 IC 写了一篇题为「Web3 Linkedin」的论文。在其他人都在怀疑的时候,经过我的足够努力我们做到了。

当时的 Project Galaxy 只是一个 NFT 即服务平台,还不是现在的「链上凭证协议」。Play To Earn 链游 Axie Infinity 也还没有成为像今天这样的一个全球性的游戏项目。

The project side doesn't know how to find the right members of the target community, and people don't have access to the right job opportunities for them. Summer quickly passed, and Project Galaxy held the"ShadowySuperCoder」活动给了我启发。这是一个面向开发人员的项目,他们在软件包中为目标智能合约部署人员提供额外的津贴,希望让广大开发者加入以试用相关产品。

这听起来像是 Web2 世界中最简单的事情,比如 Google 或者 Facebook 广告。虽然 Galaxy 团队只是读取并整理了链上数据以确定目标受众,But this is the first time on-chain credentials have been used to assign tasks!同样在夏天,更多的 P2E 游戏如雨后春笋般涌现。然后我们看到各种各样的公会出现在这些游戏中,人们开始加入一个公会,然后转向其他公会,或者同时为几个公会服务。


What the market wants is currently Play To Earn games, which will be abstracted into "XYZ To Earn" tasks.用 token maximalist 的话来说,这都是关于使用 POW 去交换社区中的 token 或股份。


But how do guilds recruit individuals?到现在我终于明白为什么 7 个月前我把 Project Galaxy 称为链上 LinkedIn:个人可以查询用户想向公会展示的任何凭证,并将其定制为链上简历。

如果一个公会的操作系统集成了 Galaxy,那么在该操作系统管理下的公会中完成的任何任务都可以转换为可公开查询的徽章或者凭证。这些过去的任务经验将有助于用户申请下一份新任务。

And even more exciting features,由于某个人过去在某个地址上拥有某些相关凭证(不一定是与公会合作的),那么他可以根据公会操作系统配置文件页面上的这些过往凭证,找到符合他自身条件的任务或工作。


此外,并非所有 Web3 任务都很简单,有些任务是需要协调的。Community Gaming 就是一个元宇宙任务事件的协调层。今天它可能会允许公会之间的竞争(即锦标赛),到了明天它可能就会允许公会之间进行更为复杂的合作。

Finally, I also found the case studies surrounding Fiverr and Upwork particularly illuminating for thinking about constructing labor markets around Web3

Fiverr 将平台上的任务分层为更标准化的任务机会。这种做法的好处是可以组织零碎的任务,但缺点是这种做法只能局限于更简单或者定制程度较低的兼职任务。


In the Web3 world, Fiverr-type tasks might directly leverage individual labor without going through a guild, while Upwork type tasks might be easier to do on a large scale with a guild over a continuous period of time.

And here, at the end of this rambling conversation,Today's Web3 labor market seems to me to be composed of a credential layer, a labor supply and demand organization layer, and a cross-organization coordination layer.当然,Web3 世界仍然是持续更新的和不断发展的,我希望能得到更多的启发。

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