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One of the DAO incentive design analysis series: ArrowDAO

22-06-03 11:12
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How daOs do incentives -ArrowDAO
Source: Empower Labs
Original author: CwWeb3&NBsp;  


Arrow is a futuristic traffic focused DAO that uses an open source approach to design vTOL aircraft and build future point-to-point air traffic networks. Arrow launched earlier this year, and after months of preparation, ArrowDAO officially entered its work season on May 1.

Contributor qualifications

The ArrowDAO is completely open and anyone can apply to contribute, but that doesn't mean you don't need permission. Unlike most of today's pan-Web3-oriented DAOs, ArrowDAO has a unique goal and is highly professional. This means that it has high professional requirements for contributors. A sub-committee decides whether they fit the bill. Of course, not all of the work is related to aircraft design, and there are some operational jobs that do not require professional knowledge.

Sub-committee & NBSP;

The operation of an organization requires talents in many fields, and the expertise required by different jobs varies greatly. Therefore, ArrowDAO is building sub-committees in different directions, such as structural committee, electronic committee, aerodynamic committee, etc. (it is not so divided, this is just a name I made up for example). The committee members are generated from the community, and the sub-committee is an important organizational structure in ArrowDAO, which plays a central role in various aspects such as governance, motivation and collaboration.

Contribution methods and incentives

Talents can contribute in different ways, which also correspond to different incentive methods.

Commitment Compensation & NBSP;

Commitment incentive is more like salary paid by formal work. Every week, a certain amount of time is invested in DAO's work. Specific work is continuous and arranged according to the needs of the organization, rather than requiring individuals to produce specific results at a fixed time.

Retroactive Compensation

Retroactive incentives correspond to temporary engagements, specific work outcomes, often easily quantifiable work that can be accomplished in the short to medium term.

Specifically, there are two ways. One is that DAOs actively publish reward demands, and any interested contributors claim them, such as designing a document. This part of the requirement is through a Web3 tool called Dework for task release and process management. Most of this work has nothing to do with aircraft, but in terms of workload, it's a small fraction of the work done in the community.

The other is for contributors to come up with ideas and the funding they need, write proposals and submit them to the community for discussion and vote, and if the community decides to accept their ideas, fund them. There is also a process of job identification at the end. You can get all the awards only if you pass the recognition. At present, it is only the architecture design, and I have not seen any application.

Incentive levels

This is probably the most interesting part for you. How much can you get for working in ArrowDAO?

ArrowDAO uses expertise and commitment to determine contributors' monthly salary. The professional degree is divided into 1-5 levels. The lowest level is the novice level, but it is not pure white, and it is necessary to have basic skills in the field that you want to contribute. Level 5 is a recognized expert in a specific field. The corresponding monthly salary is $3,000 for tier 1 and $12,000 for tier 5. Once rated, the exact amount of money you will receive per month will also depend on commitment, i.e. how much time you devote to ArrowDAO per week, and Arrow's priority in your job. The highest level is full-time, and the lowest level requires 10-15 hours per week.

This chart illustrates the problem. The unit is USD

This is the actual budget for May-June, over $60,000 and 160,000 community governance tokens

There are also public announcements about specific contributors in the community, and most of the contributors' backgrounds and project directions have a high degree of fit. I intercepted one of them at random to hide some private information.

"Three years of flight software development and integration testing for the XX mission in a NASA distribution division and two years of instrument software development for the XX mission. Experience writing and evaluating software system requirements. Experience in embedded, static analysis, high-safety RTOS spacetime. Love experience in FDM 3D printing, Fusion 360 modeling, design and assembly of multiple PCBS using KiCAD."

Incentive to issue

激励分为两部分发放,USDC 和 ArrowDAO 自己的治理Token,其中治理 Token 以一个社区商量的价格作为锚定,当前为 0.3美元,对应 3000 万美元的全流通市值。而治理 Token 的部分并不是即时发放,有 1 年的锁定期,随后分 3 年解锁。而选择治理 Token 激励的部分会自动获得 50% 的加成,用来奖励大家对社区的长期承诺。(由于希望大家专注放在贡献和工作上,社区达成共识,在相当长时间内 token 不会在市场有任何流通。也不会有公开募资)

The USDC is delivered in part through a smart contract tool called Sablier, which features real-time salary delivery. There is no longer the concept of a payday, with each minute of the cycle unlocking a little for contributors.

贡献者都可以选择自己激励方案里两种 Token 的比例,其中治理 Token 的部分要求最少 10%,最多 50%。设置 50% 的上限大概是怕大家全选的治理 Token 导致吃不上饭?

As Bounty tasks are short and quick, they are issued by USDC. Currently, several tasks we have seen can be completed part-time in about 2 weeks, and the Bounty is 650USDC.

A Bounty has been closed

In addition to the two contribution rewards mentioned above, the DAO also set up an additional bonus pool each month and used the Coordinape tool to determine who gets how much money from the pool through mutual evaluation by members. For Coordinape you can search the relevant materials and do an extended reading without going into the details of the principle.

Excitation cycle flow

Commitment-based incentives take place on a two-month basis, and contributors are required to submit forms before the start of the cycle. The committee will communicate with potential contributors based on the DAO's work needs and budget, and reach an agreement with contributors on incentive levels and time commitment. Interim assessments are conducted every 20 days in a 60-day cycle.

Bounty holds a monthly community meeting to decide how many requests to post, evaluates whether the last month's tasks have been completed, and distributes incentives to Bounty claimants if they have.

It is worth noting that contributors who participate continuously have a process of signing off on Arrow DAO Mission and values. In other words, the prerequisite for participating in the work is to recognize the DAO mission and values and confirm them in writing.

ArrowDAO uses Github to manage most of the r&d related issues. If contributors need to participate in Gitcoin related issues, they also need to sign a contributor agreement. Only code submissions signed by the contributor Agreement will be incorporated into the project, ensuring that there will be no future disputes over intellectual property rights.

CLA signing process

Task management

Bounty uses Dework for whole-process management and incentive distribution. For daily work, Dework is also used for task management at present. Since it does not involve issuing, most tasks are set relatively simply, and more of them can be used to do status tracking within a community. The real work and collaboration is done using Github and other Web2 tools.

The list of work related to aircraft design has just been started, so there is not much work to be done.

The last

ArrowDAO is still a good framework for collaboration and motivation, but it can't be looked at closely. For example, a complete committee system has not yet been formed, the evaluation mechanism of continuous incentive part is not perfect, and the task tracking is rough. Even so, this incentive system has been in the DAO circle has been above the level.

But I'm optimistic. The incentive system, let alone in the DAO, is hardly perfect even in the 400 years of corporate system. Rather than designing a sophisticated system, it is more important to run first and then adjust as problems arise.

The original link

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