"Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023" will be held in Hong Kong from April 12 to 15. It is co-organized by Wanxiang Blockchain Lab and HashKey Group. The event, which will last four days and feature five sessions, is expected to attract more than 10,000 live audiences, more than 300 globally influential speakers, and more than 100 live Web3 projects, communities and media.
活动将围绕 Web3 各个赛道的核心议题,邀请全球最聪明的大脑、最热门和最具潜力的项目分享 Web3 技术方案;也将邀请知名投资机构明晰发展边界。 香港特别行政区政府财政司司长陈茂波先生,Binance创始人赵长鹏, OKX 总裁 Hong 已经确认出席活动。Click to see the surrounding events
BlockBeats will be following the event
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