What to save you, PFP-like NFT

23-05-08 11:04
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Original title: "What will save you?" PFP-like NFT"

Original source: Wlabs Guatian Laboratory

I saw an article a few days ago that said that once the scenery was infinite Several blue-chip PFP NFTs have been falling in this round of bear market, and some prices have even dropped by 99%, which makes many new leeks who just entered the market in the past two years bleed. The PFP NFT sector should be the first type of project that new entrants in the last wave of the bull market came into contact with. It is simple and straightforward, and it can be rushed if there is a consensus. These new leeks are young, enthusiastic, and new to the encryption circle. I saw that there is a community with a DAO and a consensus. More importantly, Money is so easy to earn. You don’t need to understand code, learn finance, or do investment research like the old leeks. Get some pictures and say it's worth thousands of dollars and it's thousands of dollars. What are you waiting for, go! Then a big victory in one battle, another small victory, and the final battle...

For a bystander, I don't quite understand where the logic of PFP NFT can maintain value for a long time if there is no continuous empowerment,even if you have money, resources and know how to operate For example, Yuga Labs of Boring Ape will also launch the chain game Otherside early to increase the consensus of the project. Of course, a master in the encryption circle said: The consensus of fools is also consensus, but consensus is also like love, which needs to be cared for and maintained. What's more, in the bear market, idiots are also evolving. The number of pure idiots is not much, and those who are still insisting have said that "the landlord's family has no surplus food", and the life of the PFP NFT project will be even more difficult.

How to solve the problem? The most direct way is to make PFP-like NFTs usable first. While the social attributes of showing off are degraded, can adding other practical attributes can tide over the difficulties first? Just like housing, when the investment attribute is slowly stripped away, let’s increase the empowerment of the residential attribute.

In the world of blockchain and Web3, NFT Lianyou and Lianyou have always been a pair of good partners who are inseparable. From the creation of the ERC-721 standard by Dieter Shirley in 2017, the launch of the Crypto Kitty game by Axiom Zen, which led to ETH congestion, to the global GameFi boom caused by Axie during the last round of bull market climax, and to the enrichment of the X2E track by StepN last year... NFT has given the soul of the game , let the game assets belong to the player, let the game characters and equipment be fully capitalized; and the game expands the application territory of NFT, so that NFT has more practical functions and landing scenarios. In this article, we briefly analyze the possibility and actual implementation of the combination of PFP NFT and chain games, as well as some existing cases.

Although the cross-field development of NFT and blockchain games has been continuing, the depth and breadth are still far away It's far from perfect integration. What we usually call NFT, the mainstream classification includes 6 types, including personal images (PFP), artwork, game assets, tickets and passes, virtual land, domain names, etc. Among them, PFP occupies the bulk of NFT, Accounting for 78.7% of the total transaction volume. There are so many PFP-like NFTs mentioned above, here is the formal definition: PFP NFT is an avatar-like NFT. This NFT can not only be used as an avatar, but also a kind of membership pass, which is a social value of an Internet person It can quickly form a community consensus among groups with similar values and is accepted by most people. Obviously, PFP has jumped out of the small picture itself and has become a new paradigm of IP, and IP is the real narrative of the story behind PFP.

The PFP NFT community based on IP attributes has strong cohesion, and the value and liquidity of NFT are relatively high High, can seamlessly connect with art and social networking, and has its own traffic; but its limitations are also obvious-the usage scenarios are relatively monotonous, NFT empowerment is not enough, and most projects lack the second layer of narrative, that is, the real use of NFT Scenes. PFP-type NFT projects have no problem in the bull market, and the price is soaring. You can enjoy yourself to the top every day when you face an ugly monkey with hanging eyes, and the adrenaline is desperately secreted. As long as the consensus is in place, a market value can be pulled up flat. The picture kingdom of Baiyi U, but is this path still feasible in a bear market?

In contrast to chain game projects, the NFT in most games is still based on the game content. NFT has usage scenarios (generally used for Pass cards, game heroes, equipment, etc.), but the main problem is that the consensus is weak, the influence is limited, and the traffic bottleneck is obvious. Especially for the cold-start GameFi project, the project party needs to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to produce and promote its game NFT, and it also invisibly increases the learning cost of users.

Since PFP NFT and chain games have such a significant complementarity, let’s analyze them The idea of cross-border integration of the two sectors:

On the path of embedding NFT into games Look, there are several ways:

1. PFPNFT holders directly get the game's Passcard or game value NFT . This method is the most simple and direct, but it feels abrupt. If it is not done well, it will feel awkward. This is the initial stage.

2. In some scenes or copies of the game, certain types of PFP NFT Holders have special bonuses or privileges. At the same time, the game's line development in this scene or copy is related to the background of the NFT project, such as the color of the map and NPC. This is the intermediate stage.

3. Background and cultural integration. This is the advanced stage. It is necessary to embed the community theme, spirit and culture formed by the NFT community for a long time into the game. It is not simply to find a game and change the skin. We came into contact with a game supported by a PFP NFT project, and even added some stories and key characters from the early development of the project to a copy of the game.

From the point of view of the way of integration, there are also two ideas :

1. One category is to expand from PFP NFT to the chain game field, that is, to establish IP first, and then fill in game application scenarios. Typical representatives of this category include Yuga Labs' Otherside and the recently popular Flappy Moonbird;

2. The other is to build a game platform first. Provide a GAAS (Gameplay as a Service) tool for IP project parties or holders, and further attract more IP to settle in. The representative project is Mobaverse.

Let’s introduce and analyze the three cases mentioned above one by one.

01, Otherside


The achievements of Boring Ape Yuga Labs in the field of NFT PFP are dazzling. The round of airdrop empowerment, the platform of countless stars, the acquisition of Cryptopunks and Meetbits, and the announcement of a game called Otherside, which culminated in the sale of land NFT, triggering a Gas War that has not been seen for many years. As the metaverse game of Boring Ape World, Otherside can be said to be the benchmark project of PFP NFT crossover. Otherside is positioned as a MetaRPG and will be established as a gamified, decentralized interoperable world (Interoperable World). Not only the holders of Boring Ape, but also the NFT of other projects can be integrated into Otherside's metaverse game In the world, ambition is great.


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What kind of metaverse game world is Otherside? Although in the first Voyager voyage of Otherside in July last year and the Legends of the Mara released in March this year, we have a preliminary glimpse of the game, but because the game The space is limited, and there is still a lot of content to be further explored. According to the official statement, Otherside will follow three principles:

1. Create together with the community. In addition to Voyager Participate in the internal beta of the game, and you can also get off the development kit and use the construction tools;

2. Ownership and interactivity. Otherdeed is not just a picture, but also represents land ownership in the game world, and affects land attributes through activities;

3. Incentives. Establish deep connections with players, provide incentives for creators, and become an open and interoperable Metaverse world.

I have to say that the layout of Otherside is a very clever move. From the perspective of embedding, BAYC holders can obtain the game pass card without barriers. The cultural background of the game is also tailored for the BAYC community. The grafting and transition of community culture is perfect. From the point of view of the landing method, with the help of BAYC's IP influence, from NFT to games, it directly exploded the sales of Otherdeed land, achieving the spectacle of a monkey land where thousands of people empty the alley. Through the Otherside metaverse world, Yuga Labs not only connected BAYC's NFT IP, Land NFT, and APE Token elements in series, but also created an IP matrix centered on BAYC by linking with many head IPs.

In addition, the game will also provide developers with SDK, so that developers can create based on the platform. The launch of Otherside is an innovation to the concept of games and metaverses. It has established a metaverse world based on strong IP identity and connection. This is not available in other metaverses and game projects, and it is also one of the great advantages of Otherside. And all of this is based on the BAYC community of Yuga Labs.

02, Flappy Moonbird< /h3>

The latest news "Flappy Moonbird is valued at $60 million Completed 2 million US dollars in financing" was released to various WEB3 media, thinking that the blue-chip PFP NFT Yueniao is also going to enter the game field? After further research, it was found that the model of Flappy Moonbird is slightly different from that of Otherside. It is not a game made by the official Moonbird team, but a new project produced and operated by a third-party independent team authorized. The team claims to have developed more than 100 casual games.

Talk about the basic situation of our research project: Flappy Moonbird is in It was very popular when I first started this year. Now I check the data on DappBay, and the user growth and weekly activities both rank first in DappBay. Among the 20 most popular games on the BNB chain, the Flappy Moonbird family contributed 11.1 % of active users, it can be said that BNB is the master of the ecology. Flappy Moonbird can achieve such results largely because the project makes full use of the traffic of Moonbird IP. In addition, several games launched at the same time are very easy to use. This is one of the characteristics of WEB3 games we have been talking about: It can be difficult to advance, but easy to get started!

The project has a good background and is quite rich. The project angel wheel is owned by Moonbirds NFT holders Participation. At the end of last year, it received a financing of US$6 million led by LinkVC. In April this year, it completed the Pre-B round of financing of US$2 million led by FBG Capital.


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According to the information on the official website, Flappy Moonbird consists of 4 parts: Flappy Moonbird, which has a similar gameplay to Flappy Bird, Racing Birds, an AI Birdnopoly similar to Monopoly, and the casual game Metaverse. His family formed a continuous matryoshka through these four games:

First of all, through the Flappy Moonbird free game, lowering the entry threshold of the game and attracting as many users as possible, And let users accumulate initial assets and game coins by playing games;

Afterwards, through Racing Bird, adding competitive quiz elements, let ordinary players accumulate wealth in Flappy Moonbird There is a chance to multiply;

Finally, through the establishment of Monopoly and casual metaverses, combined with AI technology, an interesting and rich metaverse world will be created.

The above three layers of gameplay and narrative, progressively layered, and formed on the economic model The closed loop can quickly capture a large number of players in the early stage, and at the same time enhance the stickiness of players in the process, and establish a complete game ecosystem in the final metaverse to better retain players. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the logic, that is, the method of adding nesting doll modules to a single game in the economic model has been expanded to the mutual nesting of each game, making the value transmission line longer.

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Re-examine how his family embeds PFP NFT into the game. The empowerment of Moonbird NFT holders in the Flappy Moonbird game mainly focuses on the first and third categories we described before, that is, Moonbird NFT holders who became supporters in the early stage of the project and can get the game Genesis bird airdrop; at the same time, the entire background and culture of the game is also in line with the Moonbird NFT project, allowing players to feel familiar as soon as they enter. From the point of view of the implementation method, based on the NFT community and expanding to game content, it is also similar to the Otherside model, but different from the Otherside, the two projects of NFT and games are relatively independent, and their operation and development are also decided independently.

Based on the existing roadmap, it can be seen that future projects include game pass NFT casting (2023 It will be launched on May 9, 2019), Token airdrops, rare bird NFT and land NFT, etc. We can infer that the project party ultimately wants to present a metaverse platform with Moonbird IP as the core, so that Moonbird NFT holders or other game participants can experience various casual games on the platform to gain more in-depth Learn about Moonbird culture.

03, Mobaverse

Mobaverse is a new project we have recently contacted. It is essentially a Compatible with various PFP NFT game platforms, the first main game is the MOBA type. This project welcomes all kinds of PFP NFT project parties or holders to join in and play, let their NFT IP become the hero in the game, and produce a series of customized content, which can easily realize the commercialization of IP in the Mobaverse platform . Future projects will also focus on UGC to further incubate IP peripherals and new IP content.

Back to the analysis of NFT embedding mode, Mobaverse and NFT The integration is mainly concentrated in the second category, which is to provide NFT IP holders with hero and game customization content to achieve a moderate integration of game platforms and NFT. From the point of view of the landing method, unlike Otherside and Flappy Moonbird, Mobaverse first builds the game and then integrates the NFT IP.


Through the analysis of the above three cases, we can see three different integration ideas:

Yuga Labs is taking a relatively traditional and asset-heavy path, namely With PFP NFT as the core, the application scenarios of the NFT system are expanded horizontally, and the team is deeply involved in creating Otherside games. Such a strong control method can fully empower the game to NFT, achieve real resource sharing, and create a complete ecosystem; but 3A The long development cycle of the game, a large amount of human and material investment, complex gameplay and economic model will also become shackles and push up the risk of the game.

Comparatively speaking, Flappy Moonbird is taking a relatively lightweight road, through IP Authorized to an independent third-party game team, the game opened up the market with the popularity of NFT at the beginning, and completed the first wave of user drainage; and the ease of use of casual games allows Moonbird NFT holders to have a preconceived advantage to enter; At the same time, through rapid iteration and continuous acquisition of market feedback, adjust the game's empowerment for NFT. There is more mutual support and cooperation between games and NFT.

Mobaverse starts from the perspective of games, collects and integrates influential NFT IP is placed in the game, making full use of mature IP resources, while focusing on the creation of gameplay and game content.

Otherside and Flappy Moonbird have slightly different ideas, but they both start from creating NFT IP to games The path of development, and Mobaverse is the other way around, it is the path from developing game platform to incubating IP. The above two are the mainstream paths for the integration of NFT and chain games in the market now, a bit like the transformation and switching between singers and actors, you can sing while you can act, or you can sing while you are excellent. These two paths have no advantages or disadvantages, but are different in direction and thinking, and both have certain feasibility.

But subversion often comes from the outside. Currently, besides actors and singers, Internet celebrities come He stepped in and dabbled in the roles of actors and singers. In the same way, in the web3 world, is it possible that projects in other related fields (such as SocialFi) have expanded to PFP NFT (IP) and chain game tracks, but have embarked on a more successful path?

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Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said in an interview that the biggest contribution of GameFi is to integrate financial products Expressed in a gamified way, such as using NFT to increase revenue, increase output, etc. Compared with traditional liquidity mining, GameFi is more interactive and more acceptable to users, and can make the game algorithm realize financial realization . These are the advantages of game NFT over traditional PFP NFT. It can be foreseen that in the next few years, in the upsurge of the development of the Web3 industry, the integration trend of NFT (IP) and blockchain games will intensify, which will further drive the vigorous development of other Web3 branch fields such as NFTFi and SocialFi, and further promote the development of Web3 competitions. fusion of Tao. Let us look forward to the launch of more and better excellent games with NFT as the core in the future, and jointly promote the advancement of the industry.

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