Conversation with Justin Sun: Vision Pro and Bitcoin are my wow moments

24-06-28 15:37
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Original title: "Dialogue with Justin Sun: Vision Pro and Bitcoin are the wow moments I experienced"
Original author: Li Hang cool, V2XR

01 Player Justin Sun invited me to his house for dinner

This May Day, my friend M invited me to Singapore. One night after drinking in Sentosa, I habitually turned on Vision Pro (avp) when I returned to the hotel. I found a player nicknamed Justin Sun in an app, but I couldn't hear the other party's voice when I entered the voice chat. I typed and left my WeChat ID, and a moment later I received a friend request, and it turned out to be that Justin Sun (Sun brother for short).

After a few pleasantries, he shared a multi-person FaceTime link and chatted with two other players for more than 2 hours. Everyone was very excited. I made some optimistic estimates about AVP, and he also posted on WeChat Moments that Vision Pro was a wow moment like iPhone, Bitcoin, and Tesla.

I learned that he was also in Singapore, so I asked if we could have a coffee together, and he readily agreed. The next day, Sun invited me to his house for dinner.

"Come to my house, the power supply and network are complete, it's convenient to discuss anything"

"Okay, I have a friend coming with me"

"Avp players are family, come on"

Wow, this billionaire who auctioned off lunch for $4.5 million in 2019 and then cancelled it with Buffett, and cancelled it with a certain technology media reporter in early 2024 and was labeled a bad guy, and who has many rumors online that he is like the Chinese Gatsby and worth tens of billions of dollars, is directly inviting me to his house for dinner?

02 Technology enthusiast Justin Sun, talking about AI and spatial computing

At 7 pm the next day, we went to Sun's house as scheduled. It was a big villa, with a living room with a high ceiling, a long staircase and imitation ivory sculptures. Everyone was very hungry, so the aunt prepared a sumptuous table of dishes and iced beer. While eating and drinking, we talked about Vision Pro and technology. I don't know him because I'm not in the web3 circle. I only saw his TikTok before. It turns out that he is as talkative in real life as on TikTok.

· Talking about Nvidia, AI, space travel, and 20 years. I still had a meal with Buffett and gave him his first smartphone in his life, a Samsung TRON co-branded model. A few days later, Cook flew to Omaha and forced Buffett to change his Samsung to an iPhone

· Received several calls in the middle, replied to the foreigner, "I'm in a meeting now, we could change to tomorrow same time, thank you". (I'm in a meeting now, we could change to tomorrow same time, thank you) and then continued to chat

· FaceTime with online friends Kara and Jeremy, really like the real experience of Spatial Persona (spatial self-image), and want to equip each executive with an avp

· Excited to show us his Xiaomi robot dog. Look forward to the progress of robots, but also afraid that robots will rule the world. Signed up for space travel but no time to exercise. Seeing that the power bank he used was very old, I recommended Anker and Shanji to him, and he quickly took notes on his mobile phone memo

· Super talkative, talking non-stop, with a loud voice that can be heard throughout the room I stayed up very late the night before, and he wanted to end it at around 9 o'clock. As a result, I asked him a few questions and kept talking until after 11 o'clock. He looked like a little boy standing at the door to see off a guest but was reluctant to let him go. So cute. .

· About 1.8 meters tall, with good skin and a slightly hunched IT guy image. He was still happily chatting before going out to see the guest off. In a trance, I didn't know whether the person in front of me was a technology fan, a billionaire, or a real estate agent promoting a new property? ?

After that, Brother Sun joined the avp player group, wrote app reviews, and often asked questions in the group. He would also ask how to download 8k vr movies late at night. He is no different from every otaku I know!

03 Entrepreneur Justin Sun, abstract Buffett and Duan Yongping

What shocked me the most throughout the night was that the big guys who had huge wealth and built order in the blockchain world talked about information and jokes that were almost the same as those of ordinary technology enthusiasts and practitioners like us.

It turns out that the world is really flat. The GPT, iPhone, Douyin and Google that everyone uses are the same. So what is the essential difference?

It reminds me of what Zhang Yiming said in the previous interview, that cognition is the most important competitiveness. What is important is not information, but the ability to recognize information and abstract the laws behind it. Looking back, what else did the technology geek Sun say besides telling jokes?

Talking about Buffett, "arbitrage". Use the money from insurance companies and other low-interest rates to buy high-yield stocks such as Apple and oil companies. Buffett himself said that he is old and not smart, so he only buys companies that he is sure of and can understand.

Talking about Duan Yongping, "Copy Apple, buy Apple when you make money." Recalling that 2 weeks before going to Singapore, a friend from a mobile phone factory told me that they started researching AVP since 23wwdc, and the company has been researching XR for several years, waiting for Apple's consumer-grade product to be released before launching a cheaper product with similar performance. It matches Sun's theory!

Asked why he bought Ethereum, the news said he lost a lot of money. He interrupted, "Don't be affected by noise, most of the information is worthless". "Because Ethereum is so powerful, we study Ethereum, and buy Ethereum when we make money", I learned from Duan Yongping.

Haha, the truth is simple!

Diligence, hard work, advanced cognition, enthusiasm for new technologies, and the ability to abstract the essence from massive information may be Sun's more worthy learning points besides media reports and gossips, right?

A corner of Sun's home

04 Interview before the release of the national version

On June 28, the national version of Vision Pro was launched. We, the early players and believers, hope to do some CX and preaching. I asked Sun for an article and he readily agreed. The following content comes from a temporary online interview late at night on June 26

AI and spatial computing

Q: How long do you use vision pro every day?

Justin Sun:When I first got it, I wore it almost every day, chatted with friends FT, and installed all the apps. Now I spend at least 2 to 3 hours a day. I finish my work in the morning, have a meeting at noon, and then start to read the discussion in the WeChat group. As long as there is a new app, I will try it immediately.

Q: Why are you so addicted to experiencing apps, just like Zhang Xiaolong described by He Caitou, is it curiosity or do you have other plans?

Justin Sun: I am driven by curiosity. I have no plans to do anything in the XR field for the time being. I am still studying and researching. I bought two iPhones very early, and one of them is used specifically to experience various apps. At that time in the United States, I should be one of the first few hundred users of Uber in the world. At that time, Uber drivers drove luxury cars and were not doing it for money. I felt the charm of the early community at that time. In fact, the early Bitcoin community and our current Vision Pro community are very similar.

Q: Was your in-depth experience with the iPhone purely out of interest?

Justin Sun: Yes, I started my mobile Internet business very late. In 2014-2015, I made my first app, which was a voice live broadcast. The company was quite successful, with a net profit of 30 to 40 million yuan a year. The popular social app that followed was copied from me. Because I did a lot of work on blockchain, I closed the app at that time.

Q: So you are a heavy digital enthusiast. Did you use VR devices a lot before?

Justin Sun: I started paying attention to VR in about 2013, and bought Google Glass, Baofeng Magic Mirror, Google Cardboard, Quest, Valve Index. …… …… …… After Facebook acquired Oculus, I went to experience it, and played the popular quest games Beat Saber (beat lightsaber) and Half Life (half-life). …… . So I have been following this field.

Q: How do you evaluate this product of Apple?

Justin Sun: Apple has always entered after careful consideration, and it must be the role of the harvester when it comes out. So when I learned that Apple was going to make a head display, I felt that this industry was finally going to succeed.

Apple did one very important thing right, ultra-high resolution. For example, Zhang Yiming likes to make miracles with great efforts. So many short video platforms have failed before, including and domestic Meipai and Weishi. Only Douyin and TikTok and the earlier Toutiao have succeeded, all because of the algorithm of great efforts to make miracles, and the algorithm is the most critical. Many companies that did VR before did not grasp the main contradiction, and the resolution could not be achieved, and everything else was useless.

We often say that if you don’t do one thing well, it’s not just this thing that will have problems, you will have countless other problems. It takes a lot of effort to achieve miracles, and solve countless problems by solving one problem. So Apple solved the resolution problem, and other problems such as wearing experience and lack of content will be solved later.

Q: Vision Pro is very expensive, who do you recommend to buy it?

Justin Sun: Recommend anyone to buy it!

My family was not very rich when I was a child. My parents' combined salary was less than 2,000 yuan. When I was five or six years old, they spent 10,000 yuan to buy me my first PC in my life. That computer became my best friend. I went to the computer city to buy all kinds of games. If there was no Chinese, I would look up the dictionary like crazy. It was like entering the technology field very early, and later I also worked in this industry.

So sometimes we should not think about what something is useful for, but look at what kind of world it takes you into, what kind of friends you make, and what kind of circle you enter. Vision Pro and spatial computing are the future of mankind. I think you have to see the future earlier than others.

If you have children at home, you must buy one for your children.

Q: What suggestions do you have for developers and teams waiting?

Justin Sun: Avp has several directions that are sure to succeed.

Immersive Video shooting. After the popularity of immersive movie and event broadcasts, the previous flat movies soon became meaningless, and AVP was completely a mess. For example, it was boring for me to watch F1 live. If I wore a headset, the experience would be much better. There are also immersive football game live broadcasts, etc. There is too little content now.

Games, I am surrounded by beautiful women, this kind of immersiveness is definitely a killer app, which drives sales in a short time.

Social, Spatial Persona (spatial self-image) can only be used by 5 people at present. If it can support 20 people at the same time, then all the executives of my own company will be equipped with AVP. There are many companies like ours with globally distributed offices.

From the perspective of developers, you must get on board as soon as possible. If the price drops to a very low price, there will be no bonus, so you must get off the market as soon as possible. In the future, the price, gram weight, and wearing comfort will be optimized.

Q: How long do you think it will take for humans to enter the era of spatial computing? What will happen in 5 and 10 years?

Justin Sun: I think I am a person who is easily brainwashed. Now I am a 100% believer in spatial computing and believe that spatial computing is the future of mankind. I will PUA my friends. If it is uncomfortable to wear, it is your problem, not Apple's problem. (Laugh)

And it is a bit selfish to say that I have a very contradictory feeling now. Just like when I first joined the Bitcoin community, my work was to let more people get in touch with Bitcoin, but sometimes I hope that Bitcoin can remain a niche. So every time Bitcoin skyrocketed when it was a few dollars, I was very sad, because after the surge, more people would definitely come in, and then everyone would know. To make an inappropriate analogy, it is a bit like my high school crush was Fan Bingbing, and soon everyone in the country paid attention to her, that's the feeling. (Laugh)

I feel the same way about Vision Pro now.

Q: Let's talk about something more futuristic. Are you afraid of the approaching singularity and the robot rebellion? What is the probability and time of occurrence?

Justin Sun: I think it will happen soon. Humans may become extinct within 20 years. I also talked about this on Douyin. Nvidia controls computing power, other companies are planning nuclear fusion, and when humans enter energy shortage, AI will devour monsters with endless energy, and lithium and electricity will not be enough. Someone who wants to control AI training was immediately dismissed by humans themselves. Humans are running wildly on the road to extinction and can't stop.

Evaluate other people

Q: Who do you admire most among the living people in the world and why?

Justin Sun:Elon Musk, I feel like it's a common name now. Around 2011, I just went to the United States and studied for a master's degree at the University of Pennsylvania. At that time, Elon, as an alumnus, came to give a speech, promoting Tesla and attracting graduates to his company. At that time, I felt that Musk would change mankind.

Let's not talk about the first principles that have been repeated many times, and talk about his thinking mode. Most people think that new things are troublesome and don't want to use them. Musk's thinking mode is that this technology is so awesome that you should adapt to it. Tesla electric sports car Roadster, when a classmate asked about driving a Tesla outside and couldn't charge it and couldn't use it normally, Musk said that electric cars are the future of mankind, and we should think about how to build more charging stations, and everyone, including you, should adapt and realize it together.

Q: Do you believe in Musk's plan to colonize Mars?

Justin Sun:Of course I do. Not only do I believe it, I also want to sign up to be one of the first people to go to Mars. I also bought a spaceship ticket from Blue Origin before, and I will go to space in the next two years.

An employee asked me if I was better than Musk since I admire him so much. I said I was weaker than him in everything except one thing, so I felt that I was better than him in everything, that is, I was 20 years younger than him, and I could realize the dreams that Musk couldn't realize, such as colonizing Mars, hahaha.

Q: Who do you admire most in history?

Justin Sun: I really like losers in competition, such as Tesla vs Edison, Leibniz vs Newton, and the end of dynasties in Chinese history, such as those at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

Studying losers is to avoid becoming a loser, and secondly, it will make you think more about the operating logic of the world. This is also what Jack Ma taught us at Lakeside University. We should pay more attention to losers, so that we can also gain insight into the secret of success.

Q: I don’t know much about blockchain. For example, are losers like TRON to Ethereum?

Justin Sun: Hahaha, maybe we will be more powerful in 5 years, and the final conclusion has not been made yet

Enterprises and individuals

Q: It seems that you don’t have much desire for material things. When I went to your home in Singapore before, it looked very simple. So you work so hard, are you pursuing wealth, social value or fame? I am really curious.

Justin Sun: My motivation is to see more of the future. My daily life is divided into two parts. One is the field where my company is located. I not only want to see the future, but also want to build and realize more future. I have to do many things that others have not done now, because others are counting on me to do it. Just like we count on Zhang Xiaolong to make the avp version of WeChat every day; on the other hand, I want to see the future created by others, such as avp and robots.

I have another thought recently. Physics hopes to have a grand unified theory to unify the strong and weak forces. Religion has the Trinity, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son. Then AI, space computing and blockchain, is it possible to converge together soon in the future? Blockchain is the currency of machines. Robots naturally understand it. No one can control it even if it is decentralized. Everything is the best arrangement.

(The author declares that I don’t quite understand this paragraph and don’t agree with it. It is also different from the original dialogue)

Q: What luxury money have you spent? Will your consumption habits change due to changes in wealth?

Justin Sun:Consumption habits have basically not changed. Now it’s computers, mobile phones, and vision pro. The money earned is like the points on the big screen in "Ready Player One". The points themselves are useless. Everyone still uses the same set of equipment.

(The author complained that it was too Versailles. If you have the ability, please give me some points)

Q: How does your own company embrace the new technological revolution, such as AI and spatial computing?

Justin Sun:Maybe next year's year-end bonus will give employees some avp, we must keep up with the times. Then I am also thinking of many scenarios that can quickly improve our productivity. It is not ruled out that we will do something in it in the future. I am still a user at present, thinking about following the latest information every day.

Q: Advice to other avp players, many people are also your fans. How ordinary people invest in time and wealth.

Justin Sun:First of all, the information density of our group is very high, and there are many people who really do things in it. There were some such groups in the early days of the currency circle, but later as the industry grew, they became enemies with each other, and then the group died. Now this state is the best. Everyone has no hierarchy. Every day they are in it for pyramid selling and doing some very interesting things, and they are willing to share with each other.

(Author: Yes, we will attract more interesting developers later)

I hope that the Android space computing ecosystem will develop as soon as possible, and it should be more lively.

(Author: Yes, the Dream MR released yesterday is very strong)

Regarding investment, everyone has their own areas of expertise, and it is critical to maintain curiosity about at least one or two new things that are not in your main industry. Investment must be made in the areas you are concerned about, such as avp players buying Apple is fine, and knowing and doing are unified.

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