Messari founder says he wants to send all US immigrants back home

24-07-19 15:28
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Recently, Ryan Selkis, founder of Messari, has posted a lot of radical "support for Trump" remarks on social media, such as "Anyone who votes against Trump at this time may die in a damn sea of fire", "The civil war in this country started today. If you are against Trump, you are against those who are willing to fight", etc.

A crypto community member @AdrianoFeria questioned Ryan's civil war remarks, saying that this is the kind of inflammatory and self-destructive remarks that every enemy of the United States likes to see. "This crazy statement coming from someone who has the privilege of living in the United States and has never personally experienced serious social unrest, violence and war is extremely dangerous, irresponsible and un-American, which is why the joint press conference between Trump and Biden should pour cold water on this absurd mentality."

Later, Ryan asked Adriano Feria under his other posts if he was "a citizen or just a green card holder?" Adriano said he was a green card holder and was about to apply for citizenship. Ryan then replied "I hope we send you back", saying that he was protected by constitutional rights but had no right to citizenship and hoped that this situation would remain the case.

As a result, Ryan Selkis once again stood at the forefront of crypto public opinion for his rhetoric of provoking a civil war between the left and the right and anti-immigrant rhetoric, and some industry practitioners even said that they would give up cooperating with Messari in the future.

This morning, Ryan Selkis said that the Messari leadership had discussed these public remarks with him, saying that he was very grateful for the team's concern and friendly help for his behavior, but that he was very busy this week and would soon resolve the issue of radical remarks.

But perhaps no one believes that Ryan Selkis will stop such rhetoric output.

Awards for Crazy Remarks by "Little Pinks in America"

A few days ago, Ryan published a poll titled "Are my remarks helpful or harmful to the political prospects of cryptocurrency?" The results showed that over 42% of people believed that these remarks were beneficial to the political prospects of cryptocurrencies. This is tantamount to fueling Ryan's reason to continue to publish relevant fierce remarks, even though most of these voters are his fans.

Since Trump was assassinated, Ryan Selkis has been commenting or forwarding political remarks almost every minute. According to media reports, from mid-June to July, Ryan posted an average of 117 posts a day, usually between 3 and 5 a.m. New York time. Ryan also said that he got up early to get an advantage over his competitors.

“I’ve gotten more malicious tweets from leftists than the Biden administration has received for almost (deliberately?) assassinating the next president.”

“I’m tweeting from the rooftops, screaming vehemently in self-defense, and taking the current political situation more seriously than the media.”

“Some of my comments are for effect. People need to wake up and start fighting, and if this is not done through public participation in the information war, we are currently losing to the cultural Marxists, then it will evolve into more violence.”

“Nothing drives the left and assassination sympathizers crazy more than speech.”

Yesterday, Ryan Selkis directly tagged US Senator Elizabeth Warren, splicing her photo with the photo of Trump’s killer, saying that “faces don’t lie.”

Ryan seems to want to be a cultural warrior, embracing his ideal world. When someone asked him, "Your rhetoric is getting more and more intense, when will it stop?" Ryan replied that when the left stops trying to assassinate my choice for president, when the media stops labeling Republicans with inflammatory labels to provoke violence, "Until then, everything is the same."

Ryan is undoubtedly a single-issue voter and believes that Trump is better than Biden on cryptocurrency.

This is not the first time that Ryan Selkis' political remarks have caused controversy on social media. In May, Molly Jane Zuckerman, an author of the crypto media Blockworks, published a column titled "Only Fools Will Vote Just for Cryptocurrency", with the subtitle "Americans should not put their selfish economic interests above broader social and moral issues."

The main point of the article is that presidential candidates from both parties in the United States are trying to use the cryptocurrency industry to obtain money and votes, and cryptocurrency is not the main factor in the election topic. It questions whether cryptocurrency is really so important to individuals and whether it is worth sacrificing the attention of other moral and social issues for cryptocurrency.

Related reading: "Because of Trump, "white left" and Crypto enthusiasts are fighting"

The origin of this article is also due to Ryan Selkis' political remarks after attending a private dinner hosted by Trump in Florida, saying that he would "all in", "if you support cryptocurrency, you'd better vote for Trump", and that he must help Trump win the presidential election in November this year.

A round of shooting, Russian-Canadian Vitalik was also caught in the crossfire

Ryan Selkis's madness is not only about the crazy output of radical posts, but also personal attacks.

Recently, Ethereum founder Vitalik also published a blog to discuss the question of which faction voters should support. More and more cryptocurrency practitioners are actively participating in politics and almost entirely decide who to support based on the attitude of political parties and candidates towards "cryptocurrency". Vitalik opposes this trend, and he believes that this may go against your original intention and values in entering the cryptocurrency field.

Related reading: "Vitalik's new article: Don't blindly vote for those "crypto-friendly" politicians with impure motives"

In addition, Vitalik also believes that the crypto industry is uniquely international, so immigration law is also crypto law to some extent. This is in sharp contrast to Ryan Selkis's statement that holding a green card does not qualify for citizenship.

Vitalik also cited an example for this point of view. In the recent EthCC, many people were unable to attend the meeting because they did not have a Schengen visa. Visa accessibility is one of the key considerations when choosing a venue for an event such as Devcon, and the United States has not performed well in this regard.

However, Ryan responded by saying, “I respect Vitalik, but he should stick to educating Trudeau. He is a Canadian who does not understand or appreciate the US Bill of Rights and Constitution. Immigrating from Russia and converting to Canadian progressivism should not influence American voters.”

In response to this article, Ryan continues to output his opposing views.

"For the record, I choose my political stance based on the following criteria: who is capable of being the commander-in-chief, who is responsible for the staff, and who has not led the most corrupt government in modern American history. I also like Trump's evolution in cryptocurrency."

"I respect Vitalik, but he has been one of the most naive and useless political commentators in the cryptocurrency field. Idealism is not realism, and he is pretending that we are not facing cultural cancer and the infestation of Marxism."

"I bet that in terms of Vitalik's intelligence - he will not debate political realism with me, because he knows that the result of the debate will expose how little he knows about politics outside of textbooks."

Whether Vitalik will really debate with Ryan we can't predict, but netizens' hot comments that Ryan is currently a MAGA toady are really hilarious.

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