Friend.Tech is "out of fashion", what other consumer-grade crypto applications on Base are worth paying attention to?

24-07-25 12:02
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Original title: "Who can take over Friend.Tech? Check out 10 consumer-grade crypto applications worth paying attention to on Base"
Original source: TechFlow

More infrastructure and fewer applications is the classic status quo of the current crypto market.

In addition, most applications are still at the financial level, and real consumer-grade applications, using cryptocurrency incentives to apply to consumers' real lives, seem to be often overlooked.

As Web3 continues to go viral and become more well-known, if the next wave of consumer-grade applications can be created, then the Base chain must have a name.

Since Friend.Tech died down, many innovative consumer applications have emerged on the Base chain; and backed by institutions such as Coinbase, these consumer applications are also being favored by VCs and emerging markets.

The name Base (base camp) itself has gradually evolved from the Degen base camp to the consumer application base camp.

The editor has reviewed the consumer-level crypto applications that are worth paying attention to on the Base chain, and here is a brief introduction and sharing.

Blackbird: Focus on restaurant scenarios, consumer cashback + member loyalty rewards

X: @blackbird_xyz

Token: $FLY

Main business:

Blackbird is an application for restaurant dining, membership/loyalty management and payment.

After consumers install this application on their mobile phones, they can choose a restaurant they think is good and send a message directly to the restaurant to make a dining reservation.

At the same time, when consumers arrive at the store, they can click the Check-In button in Blackbird to let the restaurant know that they have arrived, and this check-in record will also be recorded by the software.

The more times a consumer checks in at a restaurant and the more they spend, the more $FLY tokens they can get (similar to cashback or member loyalty rewards); you can also use the tokens directly to pay for meals.

(Editor's note: It is not applicable in China, and the business is more in the US.)

Investment background:

US$11 million in seed round financing, led by Union Square Ventures, Shine Capital and Multicoin Capital, with participation from Variant, Circle Ventures and IAC;

US$24 million in Series A financing, led by a16z Crypto.

Kikiworld: A user-created beauty product platform

X: @kikiworld_

Tokens/Points: KIKI Points

Main business:

The KikiWorld project is an innovative Web3 beauty platform, whose main business includes the development and sale of beauty products such as hair dyes, liquid makeup pencils and nail polish.

By combining blockchain technology, KikiWorld allows users to directly participate in the product development process. For example, users can vote for the nail polish color of the new season on the platform, and the most popular color will be put into production.

At the same time, consumers can submit their own cosmetic formula ideas, which are evaluated and voted on by community members, and the best solution will be professionally optimized by the KikiWorld team and then put on the market.

Consumers can get Kiki Points as rewards during the voting process. The points can be used to purchase products and participate in exclusive beauty events.

Investment background:

Seed round of 7 million US dollars, a16z Crypto, Estee Lauder's New Incubation Ventures, OrangeDao and 2Punks Capital participated in the investment.

Receipts: Fitness To Earn

X: @receiptsxyz

Token: Unknown (product is coming soon)

Main business:

Receipts actually means receipt. As the name suggests, after exercising, users will receive a receipt showing various data such as exercise, running distance, heart rate, etc. At the same time, corresponding points or tokens will be awarded based on the user's fitness behavior.

At the same time, the application also has a social and leaderboard system to encourage challenges and competitions with friends.

The project is currently in a very early stage and the official website has not yet been built.

Mintpass: Travel reviews, get rewards

X: @MintPassTravel

Tokens/Points: Unknown

Main business:

An innovative Web3 travel platform where users can collect digital NFTs related to travel destinations around the world.

By collecting these digital souvenirs, users can unlock special benefits such as exclusive travel offers, local experiences or virtual travel content.

Users can create and share personalized travel reviews and recommendations for the places they have visited, which are associated with corresponding NFTs. Other users can access these exclusive travel recommendations by purchasing or winning these NFTs.

Investment background:

The round and amount have not been announced yet. The official website shows that Dream Ventures and Outlier Ventures endorse its business. On-chain content creation platform, acquirer of Mirror

X: @paragraph_xyz

Token: Unknown

Main business:

On-chain creator platform that helps creators publish, share and build businesses around their content.

Paragraph is leveraging novel on-chain mechanisms such as enabling creators to turn posts into collectibles, send newsletters to wallet addresses, monetize recurring memberships, and leverage decentralized social protocols (e.g. Farcaster, Lens, XMTP) to build and cultivate their communities.

Previously, Paragraph also acquired Mirror, which is also a well-known Web3 content creation platform

Investment background:

US$5 million in financing, with participation from Union Square Ventures and Coinbase Ventures. A music publishing platform that brings fans and music creators closer

X: soundxyz_

Token: Unknown

Main business: is an innovative Web3 music platform that provides new music discovery functions, allowing users to access more works by independent and emerging artists.

Fans can prove that they are the earliest supporters of an artist or work, which may bring unique rights or collection value. The platform supports publishing music works directly on the blockchain, involving NFT or other forms of digital ownership proof.

Investment background:

US$5 million seed round financing, led by A16z, with participation from Variant Fund, Palm Tree Crew, Weekend Fund, Atelier Ventures, Scalar Capital and other institutions and other angel investors.

Endaoment: A blockchain-based non-profit community foundation and public charity

X: @endaomentdotorg

Token: Unknown

Main business:

Endaoment is a charity platform based on blockchain technology, aiming to provide donors with a smart and efficient way to donate online. The platform supports the use of cryptocurrency, cash, or stocks to support nonprofits and provides free donor-advised fund (DAF) services.

Endaoment is actively promoting its services and participating in blockchain, impact, and philanthropy-related events. For example, they hosted the "Onchain Giving Summit", a free virtual seminar to discuss topics such as blockchain, impact, and philanthropy.

Investment Background:

Public information shows that the project has received $6.67 million in financing, led by Shine Capital, and other investors include Coinbase Ventures and Coinbase Giving, Circle Ventures and Circle Impact Fund, Higher Ground Labs, Framework Ventures, Quiet Capital and Hypersphere.

Propy: A veteran real estate and RWA project

X: @PropyInc

Token: PRO (List on Coinbase)

Main Business:

Committed to automating real estate transactions to make them safer, more efficient and transparent.

Core functions include supporting real estate transactions using cryptocurrency 24/7, including bids and payments; using blockchain technology to record and transfer property rights, and using AI to simplify and accelerate the process of real estate transactions.

At the same time, the project also provides cryptocurrency-certified real estate agency services. Using Propy's suite, users can automate all parts of the transaction from electronic signatures to payments in a secure and easy-to-use solution.

Investment background:

The project received financing in 20 years, but the amount is unknown. At the same time, the financing comes from well-known venture capitalist Tim Draper, who is known for his early investments in Tesla, Skype, Twitter, Coindesk and Robinhood.

Sofamon: Collectible stickers on Telegram

X: @sofamon_xyz TG:

Token: Unknown

Main business:

Sofamon is a cultural platform for cryptocurrency native users, with the core product being the first collectible chat stickers launched on Telegram.

Users can customize their favorite sticker expressions by accessing the project's robot, and use NFT technology to collect and transfer stickers.

Investment background:

The amount of financing is unknown, but the seed round was participated by Polychain Capital, Seed Club Ventures, Inception Capital, etc.; angel investors include Celestia COO Nick White, former Coinbase engineer 0xBeans, Divergence Ventures co-founder George Lambeth, etc.

Flieverse: Decentralized file sharing and collaboration platform

X: @fileverse

Token: Unknown

Main business:

Fileverse is a dApp for file sharing and collaboration between blockchain addresses, allowing users to securely store and share content (audio, video, images, documents, etc.) with just a few clicks. Users can set files to be accessible only to those who own specific NFTs or tokens.

Fileverse aims to provide users with an alternative to traditional centralized file management services such as Google Drive, especially for those who value privacy and data control.

The project also provides tools similar to online whiteboards and documents, which means you and your team can work together in the same place; at the same time, you can set only people with specific digital tokens to view certain files or participate in certain projects.

Investment Background:

Public information shows that the project received a pre-seed round of financing of 1.5 million US dollars in 23 years, with Mask Network and Gnosis participating in the investment.

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