HelloDex: A decentralized exchange that distributes 80% of profits to everyone

24-07-26 14:30
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Web3, generally regarded as the third generation of the Internet, is a new generation of the Internet that can help users achieve data ownership, self-governance and other goals.

At first, all entrepreneurs involved in Web3 held the ideal of building a more fair, transparent and trustworthy digital ecosystem. In this ideal, each Web3 user is part of the network, has control over their own data, and can exchange value in a borderless trustless environment.

However, as time goes by, some platforms have mastered a certain market and voice with their first-mover advantage, and the original intention of Web3 seems to be gradually blurred in reality. They don't care about the interests of platform users, but care more about their own short-term interests.

Faced with the dragon slayer becoming a dragon, users choose not to pay. The crypto market that does not take over each other is a vote by retail investors with their funds. Instead of choosing a project that goes against its original intention and will only cut leeks, it is better to participate in Meme.

At present, perhaps a new dragon slayer is needed to change the status quo.

HelloDex is a decentralized trading platform that announced that it would distribute 80% of its profits to all users. In the white paper, they borrowed the famous saying of Che Guevara and described themselves as "One day they took out money to distribute to users, not because they realized that the money was stolen from users, but because we came."

Users and platforms, leeks and sickles

Binance, the world's largest trading platform, has always claimed that the key to its success lies in "user-centricity". But in fact, this principle is shaped by the constant challenges of the external market.

Currently, Binance has the best resources, industry layout and influence in the entire crypto industry, but its main source of income is still the transaction fees of users. In the early days of Binance's development, it was already one of the largest platforms in the world, but the users of its platform received much less income than now. Among them, the main reason is that Binance clearly understands that users are the driving factor of its platform economy.

Previously, FCoin launched the "Trading is Mining" model, which returns transaction fees to users in the form of platform tokens. For each transaction made by the user, 100% of the fee paid will be returned as platform tokens. This model quickly attracted a large number of users and trading volume in the early stage of its launch, making FCoin surpass Binance and become the world's largest trading platform. For this reason, Binance even announced the launch of the Digital Asset Trading Platform Alliance Plan, which will open 1,000 places for trading platforms that support trading mining and coin holding dividends.

FCoin subsequently withdrew from the market due to its own management and funding problems, but the aftermath of its impact on the market has not yet dissipated. Binance introduced more reward mechanisms, reduced transaction fees, and launched Launchpad, Launchpool and other initiatives to give back to platform users.

Similar situations also exist in the DEX track. Ave, one of the largest on-chain aggregation platforms. According to incomplete statistics, the annual revenue of the Ave platform is not less than 14.8 million US dollars, but the users on its platform have not benefited from it.

Ave's current sources of income mainly come from four aspects, including the fees for collecting token information and logos, the fees for listing on the popular token list, the fees for pop-up windows and carousel images, and others.

The fee for collecting each token information and logo is about 350-650 USDT, and an average of 5 tokens are collected every day. The minimum annual income of this business platform is about 638,000 US dollars.

The listing fee for the popular token list is about 3988-6888 USDT. Assuming that the top eight on the list are listed every day, the annual income is about 11.644 million US dollars.

The pop-up window and carousel fee are the highest-priced business, about 6888 USDT, and the annual contribution income is 2.51 million US dollars.

According to SimilarWeb data, Ave has an average daily visit volume of about 19,400. This means that each active user contributes $763 to Ave every day and $278,000 per year.

Ave's huge income depends entirely on the activity of users. However, these benefits are not distributed to users. Instead, users have become the numbers behind Ave's high-profit tools.

HelloDex pioneers the leading interest distribution reform

Traditional exchanges and project parties often make a lot of profits through the traffic and popularity brought by users. Traditional exchanges and project parties rely on user participation and traffic to make profits, but users are often ignored or even "robbed". Users have long been instilled with a kind of thinking that the platform's profitability has nothing to do with users, and the phenomenon of platform stores bullying customers is not uncommon.

In fact, users are the real pillars of platforms and project parties. Without the participation and support of users, no platform or project party can survive and develop.

HelloDex, as a new decentralized exchange, is changing this situation and redefining the relationship between the platform, project parties and users through an innovative profit distribution model.

HelloDex distributes 80% of its profits to users. This model not only makes users the main sharers of benefits, but also allows them to play a more important role in the development of the platform. The innovation of HelloDex lies not only in the diversity of its functions and the efficiency of transactions, but also in the transformation of the concept behind it. The platform is no longer a simple profit-making tool, but a community of user interests.

HelloDex provides users with the confidence and backing to refuse to be exploited. When using HelloDex, users can not only enjoy the convenience and efficient transactions brought by the platform, but also get tangible returns from the platform's profits. HelloDex is not just an exchange, but also a product that unites and empowers users.

This is a concept that is completely in the spirit of Web3, and every ordinary user can take back the rights that belong to him or her.

True decentralized platform

HelloDex is an innovative decentralized trading platform that aims to change the current crypto trading ecosystem and return the profits that originally belonged to users to users. The development of HelloDex is divided into three stages, each with clear goals and functional expansion.

In the first stage, HelloDex focused on the construction of basic functions, which can achieve the same functions as Ave, and began to initially establish a profit model to obtain income through transaction fees and advertising.

Users can use HelloDex to monitor the real-time Mint inscription list of major blockchains, support custom network IDs and RPCs, and realize batch casting of inscriptions for multiple wallet accounts. Transaction speed and simplicity are the core advantages of HelloDex. In addition, HelloDex also provides slippage protection to prevent users from being attacked by MEV robots and reduce capital losses.

At the same time, HelloDex supports parsing all on-chain data of ETH, Solana, BNB, Base, ARB, OP and other chains, realizing complete transaction records, pool increase and decrease analysis to form charts, token holder rankings, capital inflow analysis including whale top buying and selling, and money-making and money-losing rankings. iOS and Android App will further simplify the transaction process, shorten each transaction time to 1-2 seconds, and greatly improve the user experience.

In the second phase, HelloDex will add instant messaging functions, integrate debox, btok, Telegram functions, and support group chats, group sniper rifles, group voice, group conferences, etc.

Based on the completion of all on-chain data analysis and its own data provider and DeFi protocol analysis capabilities, it will also launch an asset management and analysis platform with the same functions as DeBank and a Dune data analysis platform. While parsing all blockchains, HelloDex will also provide node RPC to the outside world, breaking the monopoly of head node RPC interests, and will still distribute 80% of the profits to everyone.

HelloDex will also launch HelloDexSwap, supporting Meme tokens and HelloDex governance tokens to form a trading pool in swaps, thereby expanding the use of governance tokens and creating a preliminary ecosystem.

In the third stage, HelloDex will launch its own public chain to complete the construction of a fully decentralized ecosystem, and the governance token will also be upgraded to the mainnet currency. In this stage, HelloDex provides users with more comprehensive and efficient financial tools, natively integrating decentralized on-chain contracts, lending and other DeFi products. For example, on-chain contracts similar to dYdX make all token distribution flows transparent, rather than centralized exchanges randomly dumping data

80% of all revenue from the HelloDex public chain is also distributed to users, truly becoming a decentralized platform for shared benefits.

Dragon slayers, users enjoy 80% of the revenue distribution

HelloDex's profit distribution mechanism is designed to ensure that the platform's revenue can benefit all platform participants to the greatest extent. HelloDEX's main sources of income include the collection of token information and logos, the listing of popular token lists, various pop-ups and carousels, and other fee-based items. In addition, priority is given to supporting the use of governance tokens for payment.

Of course, in the early stages of development, HelloDex will conduct free activities for a period of time, and will only start charging after accumulating a certain amount of daily activity and user volume. After obtaining income, HelloDex will distribute it according to the proportion: 50%: distributed to the holders of governance tokens. This part of the income will be decided by voting with governance tokens whether to destroy governance tokens, or distributed according to the number and duration of staked governance tokens; 20%: team; 10%: security audit fees and team operation, development, and server costs; 10%: distributed to all users who use HelloDex products, even if they do not hold governance tokens; 10%: distributed to group owners according to the transaction volume of the community, KOL, and personally invited people, as well as other weights. The rules will be announced before the token is issued.

The total supply of HelloDex governance tokens is 100 million, supporting cross-chain bridge conversion between the ETH chain and the SOL chain. In order to ensure the reasonable distribution and use of tokens, HelloDex has designed a detailed distribution plan: 30%: The treasury is used for other activities or development (locked); 10%: IDO pre-sale; 10%: Invitation and trading points are exchanged for governance tokens (the exchange ratio will be announced at TGE); 10%: Airdrop and publicity; 10%: Team (locked positions will not be unlocked before the project FDV reaches 100 million US dollars); 10%: Online trading platform (locked, the remaining part belongs to the treasury or destroyed); 10%: User security deposit, used to compensate for stolen funds; 10%: Treasury, HelloDex Chain Development (not unlocked until the project FDV reaches $300 million);

In the initial stage of HelloDex, the total circulation is about 30%, including 10% IDO pre-sale, 10% invitation and transaction points, and 10% airdrop and publicity. Among them, the IDO pre-sale will be divided into two rounds, with a total volume and unit price of 3 million and 7 million pieces and 0.18 USDT and 0.19 USDT respectively, and it is expected to raise 1.87 million USDT. If calculated at the highest price, the initial circulation market value of HelloDex is about 5.7 million US dollars.

The latest data shows that the first round of pre-sale currently has only 390,000 USDT left.

Interestingly, since the circulation of HelloDex is linked to FDV, it means that before the unit price of HelloDex reaches $1, its circulation will most likely remain at around 30%. If HelloDex reaches the Ave income level, then each HelloDex holder can receive at least $0.247 in income per year, far exceeding the IDO fundraising price. All HelloDex users who do not hold tokens will also receive at least $1.48 million in income distribution per year. The distribution to the community, KOLs, and individual volunteers will also receive at least $1.48 million in income distribution per year.

Of course, HelloDex is not limited to Ave alone. The subsequent sniper rifles and other products will contribute huge profits, and the income distributed to all owners will also increase significantly.

This is a change that fits the spirit of Web3. It is time to return Web3 to all users, rather than letting the platform monopolize it.

HelloDex may change the current Web3 environment with its innovative economic model and transparent profit distribution mechanism. As they wrote in the white paper, "most of the money generated by the activity of each user should be given to every user who holds the governance token and every user who uses the product." Currently, HelloDex is opening a Space on Twitter to answer community questions all day long. Click the link to participate.

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