Real-time updates | Telegram deletes chat privacy statement; founder promises to improve platform regulation after arrest

24-09-03 16:44
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On August 25, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by police at a French airport. Pavel Durov may face multiple charges including fraud, money laundering, and terrorism. According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Durov, who holds dual French and Russian citizenship, may face up to 20 years in prison. For more information about Pavel Durov's past experience, please refer to: "Biography of the Durov brothers, founders of Telegram, and the "rebellious" road of genius teenagers"

Affected by this news, TON fell by more than 15% that day. For the future of Telegram and TON, you can read the in-depth article written by BlockBeats authors: "Telegram founder arrested, can his open blockchain dream still be realized? 》, 《This is what the world thinks about the arrest of Telegram's boss》 and 《TON fell nearly 15% in seven days, and these three VCs are still confident in it》. To facilitate readers' understanding, BlockBeats has compiled the latest developments and views of all parties as follows, and will continue to follow up:

September 6

Telegram quietly updated FAQ and deleted the statement about chat privacy

On September 6, Telegram quietly updated its FAQ and deleted the following content:

"All Telegram chats and group chats are private conversations between participants. We do not process any requests related to these chats."

Telegram founder Pavel Durov promised to significantly improve platform supervision after being arrested in France

On September 6, Telegram founder Pavel Durov said through Telegram after being arrested in France, "Telegram The idea that it is some kind of anarchist paradise is simply untrue. We remove millions of harmful posts and channels every day. We publish daily transparency reports and have direct lines of communication with NGOs to process urgent regulatory requests more quickly.

The rapid growth of Telegram users to 950 million has caused the platform to have growing pains, making it easier for criminals to abuse the platform. That's why I have made it my personal goal to significantly improve this situation. We have already started this process internally and will share more details about the progress with you soon. ”

Pavel Durov: Telegram is ready to exit markets that are incompatible with its platform principles

On September 6, Telegram founder Pavel Durov spoke for the first time through Telegram after his arrest in France, not only condemning the reasons for his recent arrest, but also stating that the company is ready to exit markets that are incompatible with its privacy and security principles. Pavel Durov further mentioned that Telegram has taken similar actions in multiple countries, such as Russia and Iran.

Pavel Durov: If a country is dissatisfied with platforms such as Telegram, it should sue the platform instead of its CEO

On September 6, Pavel Durov, the founder of the social platform Telegram, said that if a country is dissatisfied with platforms such as Telegram, it should sue the service platform itself instead of its CEO. For the full text of Durov's response, please refer to: "TG founder speaks out for the first time after being arrested: We are not for making money, but for defending people's basic rights"

September 2

Yonhap News Agency: South Korea will investigate Telegram's suspected negligence in deep fakes

On September 2, according to Yonhap News Agency, South Korea will investigate Telegram's suspected negligence in deep fakes.

August 31

Kremlin spokesman: Russia has questioned Telegram, but has not arrested Pavel Durov

On August 31, according to Interfax, Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that Russian authorities have questioned the communication tool Telegram, but Telegram founder Pavel Durov has not been arrested in Russia. "No one has arrested him in this country. Of course, there have been questions before," Peskov said in an interview. "Yes, terrorists do use the Telegram network, but terrorists also use cars. Why don't they arrest the general manager of Renault or Citroen?" Peskov said.

Financial Times: Crypto-related businesses account for about 40% of Telegram's total revenue, and $244 million worth of TON was sold this year

On August 31, the Financial Times reported that Telegram held $400 million worth of digital assets by the end of 2023, and a large part of its revenue came from digital asset activities, especially "integrated wallets" and "collectibles sales", which totaled nearly $148 million, accounting for about 40% of the company's total revenue. In addition, Telegram did sell some TON this year for more than $244 million in cash.

August 30

Kremlin: No negotiations or agreement with Telagram CEO Durov

On August 30, the Kremlin denied any negotiations or agreement with Telagram CEO Durov, and said it was unaware of any meeting between Russian President Putin and Durov.

The number of signatures for the campaign calling on France to release Telegram founder has exceeded 4 million

On August 30, according to official news, the campaign launched by TON Society calling on French authorities to release Telegram founder Pavel Durov has currently received 4,062,417 signatures. The action launched an open letter mini-program called "Digital Resistance" through Telegram, where participants can sign, with the goal of collecting hundreds of millions of signatures.

French President: Pavel Durov was not invited to France, and the detention was not for political purposes

On August 30, according to Cointelegraph, French President Emmanuel Macron held a press conference during a diplomatic visit to Serbia. Macron told reporters that he personally had no idea that Pavel Durov would come to France, and Durov's case would be handled by the "independent action of the French judicial system."

In addition, Macron insisted that the decision to detain the tech entrepreneur was not politically motivated.

August 29

Paris Court: Durov is accused of 6 crimes and a judicial investigation into Telegram has been launched

On August 29, according to the official website of the Paris Court, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was charged with all the crimes mentioned in the introductory indictment, including:

· Conspiracy by an organized group to manage an online platform for illegal transactions (a crime punishable by up to 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of €500,000);

· Refusing to provide information or documents upon request from an authorized body;

· Conspiracy to commit a crime, including the provision, without justifiable grounds, of programs or data intended to damage an automatic data processing system, the organized distribution of images of minors, trafficking in illegal drugs, organized group fraud, conspiracy or illegal acts with the purpose of committing a crime;

· Organized crime and illegal money laundering;

· Providing encryption services under a non-compliant framework;

· Providing encryption means without fully ensuring authentication or integrity control functions.

Telegram founder accused of child abuse by ex-partner is under investigation in Switzerland

On August 29, Forbes reported that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland due to a criminal complaint filed by his ex-partner Irina Bolgar, alleging child abuse. The allegations surfaced after Durov's recent arrest in France and are part of a wider legal dispute, including claims of unpaid child support and a fierce custody battle.

The Geneva Public Prosecutor's Office initially refused to accept the criminal complaint against Durov because it was filed more than three months after the most recent alleged incident of physical violence. In May 2023, Bolgar appealed, and the court allowed the case to proceed in October last year. According to Geneva court officials, the case is ongoing, with Bolgar accusing Durov of assaulting their youngest son (born September 2017) five times between 2021 and 2022. The incidents allegedly caused injuries to the child, including concussions and sleep disturbances, and records of messages between Bolgar and Durov from November 2021 and a medical certificate from April 2023 were submitted as evidence that the child continues to suffer anxiety and sleep problems as a result of the violence.

Durov's representatives declined to comment. Bolgar's lawyer confirmed that Bolgar and his three children are involved in the civil case but declined to comment on the criminal complaint. Due to Swiss law, Durov, Bolgar and their children are not publicly named in the criminal case, but there are multiple details in the case that identify Durov, including his children's years of birth and the case number of the civil children's case.

Photos of the release of Telegram founder revealed

On August 29, according to RIA Novosti, Telegram founder Pavel Durov spent more than eight hours in a French court, after which the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office announced that he could be released on bail. Later, a motorcade drove out of the court building, but it was soon discovered that the Telegram founder himself was not in the car.

Finally, Durov left the building an hour later, but he did not leave through the main entrance of the court where reporters gathered, but through the side door. There was a private minibus waiting for him there, and there were security personnel and possibly his lawyers.

Before leaving, the entrepreneur put on a baseball cap and sunglasses. He did not comment and quickly got on the minibus. After the man accompanying Durov carried and loaded the items into the car, the minibus quickly drove towards the Paris ring road.

Telegram founder Durov was released on bail with a 5 million euro bail and is not allowed to leave France

On August 29, according to market news, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was released on bail with a 5 million euro bail and will be under residential surveillance and is currently not allowed to leave France.

Telegram founder Durov was formally indicted by a French judge

On August 29, according to market news, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was formally indicted by a French judge.

August 28

Russia News Agency: Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been brought to court

On August 28, according to Russian News Agency, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was brought to court at around 1 pm UTC. Russian News Agency reporters reported earlier that day that two cars with flashing police lights drove away from the National Anti-Fraud Bureau building in the suburbs of Paris at high speed, possibly escorting Pavel Durov.

Telegram founder Durov was supposed to have dinner with French President Macron on the day of his arrest

On August 28, according to Pravda, citing the French newspaper Canard Chain de l'Elysée, Telegram founder Durov told the police that he was supposed to have dinner with French President Macron on the day of his arrest.

Paris officials denied the news. French politician Florian Philippot expressed doubts about Macron's statement and said on social media X that it is entirely possible that the president carried out such deception to complete the "master's mission." He also asked Macron to explain this.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that Russia's request for Durov's visit to France was under review.

August 27

TON community launched a signature campaign calling on France to release Telegram founder

On August 27, according to the official TG channel, the TON community officially stated, "A first-of-its-kind initiative has been launched today, calling on France to #FREEDUROV.

This is an open letter mini-program on Telegram. We hope that this letter can get hundreds of millions of signatures.

We call on France to release Telegram founder Pavel Durov and allow Telegram to protect users' freedom of speech and privacy."

The arrest of Telegram founder Durov may be related to the woman he was traveling with

When Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested by the police in France, he was accompanied by a woman named Yulia Vavilova's mysterious woman. It is reported that Yulia is a 24-year-old cryptocurrency KOL. Whenever Durov appears somewhere, Yulia follows closely, posts Instagram stories on his private jet, or relaxes with Durov in some high-end places.

There are rumors that Yulia may be the reason for Durov's arrest, but it is not clear whether she is a close friend or a deeper relationship.

Telegram founder Durov may be released as early as Wednesday

On August 27, French prosecutors said that Telegram founder and CEO Durov may be released as early as Wednesday local time. However, Polymarket is not sure whether he can be released in August, and some users are betting that he will be released before the end of September.

Prosecutors said Durov has not yet been formally charged. Rather, he was detained as part of an investigation into crimes allegedly planned or disseminated on Telegram, including money laundering, drug trafficking, child pornography and failure to cooperate with law enforcement.

The press release noted that if investigators find enough evidence during the interrogation, Durov's detention may be extended, or he may be formally charged and transferred to pretrial detention. This possibility may increase market doubts about whether he can be released before the initial deadline.

UAE says it is following up on the arrest of Telegram founder

On August 27, according to Cailian News, the UAE said it was following up on the arrest of Telegram founder in France. It is reported that Durov has United Arab Emirates citizenship.

Russian Duma Chairman: The United States supports France's arrest of Telegram CEO Durov without providing evidence

On August 27, Russian Duma Chairman Volodin said that the United States supports the arrest of Durov, CEO of social platform Telegram, in France without providing evidence.

Durov is accused of providing unauthorized "cryptography" services and tools, or detained until the 28th

On August 27, according to TheBlock, according to a statement issued by the Paris Judicial Court, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov faces charges including providing unauthorized "cryptography" services and tools. The statement said: "The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov was implemented in the context of a judicial investigation that began on July 8, 2024, after a preliminary investigation was launched by the Anti-Cybercrime Department of the Paris Prosecutor's Office. The charge of the judicial investigation is the provision of cryptography services and tools." Several other charges are listed in the document, including conspiracy to "possess pornographic images of minors" and "laundering illegal proceeds for criminal organizations." As part of the cybercrime investigation, Durov is being questioned and he may be detained until August 28.

August 26

Police: Telegram founder accused of failing to cooperate on cyber and financial crimes on the platform

On August 26, a police spokesman said that Durov, the founder of the social platform Telegram, was accused of failing to cooperate on cyber and financial crimes on the platform.

French President Macron: Telegram founder was arrested due to judicial investigation, not political motives

On August 26, French President Macron said that Durov, the founder of the social platform Telegram, was arrested due to judicial investigation, not political motives.

Tether CEO: If we fail in the fight to defend freedom of speech and communication, the future will enter a dark age

On August 26, Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, the issuer of the US dollar stablecoin USDT, posted on social media that "It is very worrying that Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested for achieving freedom of speech through Telegram.

If we fail in the fight to defend freedom of speech and communication, everything else will become irrelevant, and our future will enter a dark age."

Source: At this stage, the founder of Telegram may be detained for up to 96 hours

On August 26, the Guardian reported that the French judiciary extended the detention of Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of Telegram, on Sunday after he was arrested at the Paris airport.

According to sources close to the investigation, the investigating judge in charge of the case has extended Durov's detention beyond Sunday night. This phase of initial detention can last up to 96 hours.

When this phase of detention ends, the judge can decide to release him, or continue the prosecution and extend the detention.

French investigators have issued an arrest warrant for Durov as part of an investigation into allegations of fraud, drug trafficking, organized crime, terrorist propaganda and cyberbullying.

French authorities will issue an official statement today on the "detention of Telegram founder"

On August 26, according to the Washington Post, French authorities have confirmed that Pavel Durov was detained in France, and Paris authorities said they would issue an official statement on Durov's detention on Monday. The Russian Embassy in Paris said it had "requested consular access to Durov and asked the French authorities to ensure the protection of his rights. The French side has been avoiding cooperation on this issue." Russian officials are in contact with Durov's lawyers. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the French government may consider Durov's French citizenship as his primary nationality. Forbes also estimates that Durov, 39, currently has a wealth of about $15.5 billion.

According to previous interviews with The Washington Post, Western officials have said that Telegram is a tool for Russian military intelligence agencies to recruit people in Europe to carry out sabotage activities, including attempts to disrupt and monitor NATO transportation lines used to supply Ukraine. In addition, senior European security officials said that Telegram has become Russia's main platform for spreading false information in Europe and Ukraine.

Russian officials and state media experts have also slammed the West’s “double standards” on freedom of expression over Durov’s detention. Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s ambassador to international organizations in Vienna, said Durov’s detention was an example of “very alarming totalitarian trends in a country that used to call itself a democracy.” Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Durov’s detention should serve as a wake-up call for all Russian entrepreneurs leaving Russia.

Telegram responds to CEO arrest: Telegram complies with EU law, audits meet industry standards and is constantly improving

On August 26, Telegram issued a statement on its official X platform account in response to the CEO’s arrest, stating:

1. Telegram complies with EU law, including the Digital Services Act—its audits meet industry standards and are constantly improving.

2. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is not hiding and travels frequently in Europe.

3. It is absurd to claim that "a platform or platform owner should be responsible for abuse on the platform."

4. Nearly one billion users around the world use Telegram as a means of communication and an important source of information.

5. The team is waiting for a quick resolution of this situation.

August 25

Telegram founder holds citizenship of Russia, France, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and the United Arab Emirates

On August 25, Reuters reported that Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov became a French citizen in August 2021. He moved Telegram to Dubai in 2017, and according to French media reports, he also obtained citizenship of the United Arab Emirates, in addition to being a citizen of the twin island nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean.

TON official Twitter adds the Resistance Dog logo hand-painted by Telegram founder in 2018 to its profile picture

On August 25, TON official Twitter added the Resistance Dog logo hand-painted by Telegram founder in 2018 to its profile picture.

In addition, TON Foundation Chairman Steve Yun has changed his Twitter profile picture to the Resistance Dog logo.

According to the TON Foundation, the hoodie-wearing dog (also known as the Resistance Dog) was originally hand-drawn and named by Telegram and TON founder Pavel Durov in 2018, and REDO has been the (un)official mascot of Telegram's vision of "resistance" to censorship since then.

Medvedev: Telegram CEO fled Russia and thought he would never have to cooperate with security services abroad, which was a misjudgment

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Telegram CEO Pavel Durov fled Russia and thought he would never have to cooperate with security services abroad, which was a misjudgment. Medvedev, who frequently uses Telegram to criticize the West, said Durov wanted to be a "brilliant 'world citizen' and live a good life without a motherland." "He miscalculated," Medvedev said. "For all our common enemies, he is Russian - and therefore unpredictable and dangerous."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said it had sent a note to Paris requesting a meeting with Durov, even though he already has French citizenship.

Open interest in TON contracts across the network surged 44.8% after Durov's arrest

On August 25, according to Coinglass data, the total open interest in TON futures contracts across the network was 61.7 million TON (about $332 million), a surge of 44.8% after Durov's arrest.

US commentator: Telegram rejected Israel's request to censor the hacker who leaked secrets

On August 25, Jackson Hinkle, an independent American political commentator, said in X that an anti-Israel hacker had stolen billions of bytes of sensitive Israeli data and published confidential information on Telegram. Telegram rejected Israel's request to censor it.

TON Ventures issued a statement in support of Durov: We need freedom of speech and decentralization more than ever

On August 25, TON Ventures issued a statement in X to support Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: Today, we need freedom of speech and decentralization more than ever - these two undertakings are the core principles of Pavel Durov and the spirit of TON. We believe that the TON and TG communities will become stronger from now on.

Vitalik commented on "Telegram CEO Arrested": The future of European software and communication freedom is worrying

On August 25, Vitalik Buterin posted a comment on "Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested" on X: I have previously criticized Telegram for not taking encryption seriously enough. But based on the information currently available, the charges look very bad and are worrying about the future of European software and communication freedom.

Pavel Durov once said that US agents tried to buy off engineers in the hope of better controlling Telegram

On August 25, according to a video interview by Tucker Carlson, a well-known American political commentator and journalist, with Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, Durov said in the interview: "Whenever we come to the United States, we receive too much attention from the FBI and other security agencies. The last time I went to the United States, I brought an engineer who worked at Telegram. Cybersecurity officials or agents tried to secretly hire my engineer behind my back. They would like to know which open source libraries are integrated into Telegram's application and try to convince him to use certain open source tools that act as backdoors."

"I have personally experienced similar pressure in the United States. Whenever I go to the United States, two FBI agents greet me at the airport and ask questions. My understanding is that they hope to establish a relationship to better control Telegram."

Elon Musk released a video with the tag #FreePavel to support Telegram founder again

On August 25, Elon Musk released a video with the tag #FreePavel to support Telegram founder Pavel Durov again. In the video, Pavel Durov was interviewed and said, "Musk's acquisition of X has made speech more free. This is a great progress. Humanity needs more social media like X and Telegram that safeguard freedom of speech."

Russian official: The power behind Durov's arrest in France is the United States

On August 25, Ekaterina Mizulina, head of the Russian Secure Internet Alliance, believed that the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France was a request from the United States.

She wrote on her personal Telegram channel: "I have long believed that the head of Telegram is in danger outside of Russia and may be arrested at any time. Similar situations have happened before at the request of the United States. I thought that no one took law enforcement action against Durov because he may have cooperated with Western intelligence agencies, but recent news shows that everything seems to be different." In addition, Mizulina believes that the arrest of Durov is to crack down on Toncoin, a super currency circulating on Telegram. She said that in this way, the United States will continue its sanctions policy.

Telegram Wallet: We are closely following the news about Pavel Durov, and the operation of Wallet is not affected

On August 25, Telegram Wallet posted a message on its official channel: "We are closely following the recent news about Telegram founder Pavel Durov, but these events will not affect the operation of Wallet in any way."

Many celebrities expressed support for Pavel Durov

On August 25, after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by French police, many celebrities expressed their support for Pavel Durov.

Tucker Carlson, a well-known American political commentator and journalist, said that Durov was imprisoned in France tonight for "not allowing the public to exercise freedom of speech", which is a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth as required by the government and intelligence agencies.

Franklin Bi, partner of venture capital fund Pantera Capital, posted a short message "#FreePavel".

Jupiter founder Meow said this was "borrowing a knife to kill someone".

Elon Musk commented on X, "This is to promote the First Amendment of the US Constitution." He also sarcastically said, "It's Europe in 2030, and you are being executed for liking a meme."

French media: Pavel Durov knew he was wanted by France but still decided to go to Paris

On August 25, according to the French newspaper Le Monde, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested accompanied by bodyguards and assistants. He arrived in Paris from Baku on a private plane and was expected to spend at least one night in Paris. The billionaire knew he was wanted in France, but still decided to go to Paris. Previously, Pavel Durov became a French citizen in 2021 through a special procedure and currently holds dual French and Russian citizenship.

Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolaï launched Telegram in 2013, and Telegram is committed to protecting user privacy. In a rare interview in Dubai in April, Pavel Durov said that he came up with the idea of launching encrypted messaging after he was under great pressure from Russian authorities when he created the social network VK. So he left Russia in 2014, and then tried to settle in Berlin, London, Singapore and San Francisco, and finally set up the headquarters of Telegram in Dubai.

French media: Telegram has limited means of blocking and serves as a refuge for illegal political movements

On August 25, according to the French newspaper Le Monde, the Telegram platform, which is often criticized for its lack of supervision, will only carry out partial and very limited blocking. Due to the lack of regulatory rules, Telegram has become a refuge for many political movements that are banned on all other platforms, such as the conspiracy movement QAnon, and Hamas, which has dozens of official and unofficial accounts there.

Telegram has blocked one of Hamas' official channels in Europe. The group, called "Hamas Movement", has about 150,000 subscribers. The channel posted a video of Hamas activists kidnapping French-Israeli hostage Mia Schem during the attack on the Nova Tribe music festival on October 7, 2023. But Telegram's regulatory actions are still partial and very limited.

Former US official: Durov once had a good relationship with the French president, and the charges for his arrest were fabricated political events

On August 25, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson said: "Telegram is one of the few channels that really allows information critical of Western policies to continue to spread. I think this is really the root of the problem."

The analyst called the charges against Durov a "fabricated political case," suggesting that they were designed to intimidate the tech entrepreneur. "There was a time when he was considered to be friendly with [French President Emmanuel] Macron," Johnson added. "But it's obviously over, because this arrest would not have happened without Macron's knowledge and approval."

Telegram founder may face up to 20 years in prison

On August 25, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Durov, who has dual French and Russian citizenship, may face up to 20 years in prison. He was arrested because of Telegram's lack of content review and his failure to cooperate with French law enforcement. The charges stem from a search warrant issued by the General Directorate of the French National Judicial Police.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov is scheduled to appear before a judge on Saturday evening local time. He faces multiple charges involving terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering and child abuse.

TON TVL fell more than 39% in a single day and is currently about $310 million

On August 25, according to DefiLlama data, TON TVL fell sharply and is currently $310 million. Yesterday's TVL was $508 million, a single-day drop of more than 39%, and a drop of more than 60% from its historical high of $777 million.

Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman Davankov called on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to rescue Pavel Durov

On August 25, according to CCTV News, Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman Davankov called on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to rescue Pavel Durov in the early morning of the 25th. He said that he had sent a corresponding request to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Russian Embassy in France has taken necessary measures to understand the relevant situation of Pavel Durov.

Pavel Durov was born in 1984. The media said that he has multiple nationalities including Russia, France, and the United Arab Emirates. It is reported that because Pavel Durov is a French citizen, he will not be exchanged or extradited to other countries.

Elon Musk commented on Durov’s arrest: This is an advertisement for “protecting freedom of speech”

On August 25, Elon Musk commented on the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov by French police on social media and said, “This is promoting the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.” He also sarcastically said, “It’s Europe in 2030, and you’re being executed for liking a meme.”

Note: The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is part of the U.S. Bill of Rights, which guarantees citizens the freedom to express their opinions in public and political affairs. Its main contents include: freedom of speech, freedom of the press and other rights.

Dogs: We support Pavel Durov, privacy and truth are particularly important

On August 25, Dogs posted a message on the official Telegram channel to support Telegram founder Pavel Durov, "We support Pavel Durov, privacy and truth are particularly important."

TON issued a statement on the "arrest of Telegram CEO": TON will continue to operate in full

On August 25, TON issued a statement on the "arrest of Telegram CEO", "asking everyone that the TON community is still strong and fully operational."

"As a community committed to freedom of speech and decentralization, we firmly support Pavel in this challenging time. Pavel has always been a loyal advocate of these values, and we believe that his efforts to promote an open and decentralized Internet will continue to inspire millions of people. The TON community remains focused on our mission, and we will continue to work hard to uphold these principles around the world. We encourage everyone to remain calm, united, and continue to build as we work together to deal with this situation. Thank you for your continued support."

Telegram CEO may face multiple charges including fraud, money laundering, terrorism, etc.

On August 25, according to TheBlock, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in France and detained by agents of the French National Anti-Fraud Office. Durov was arrested after traveling from Azerbaijan with a woman and his bodyguard to Paris' Le Bourget airport, which specializes in serving private jets. According to reports, based on preliminary investigations, OFMIN, France's investigative agency against child sexual exploitation, issued a search warrant for him. It is reported that Durov usually rarely travels in Europe, and perhaps to avoid being detained in this way, his arrest warrant is only valid on French territory.

Durov may meet with the investigating judge on Saturday evening, and then on Sunday he may be indicted for multiple crimes, including: terrorism, drugs, conspiracy, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, child crime content" and other charges. An investigator from the French National Anti-Fraud Office said: "Pavel Durov will eventually be detained pretrial, that's for sure. On Telegram, he allowed countless crimes and crimes to be committed, and he did nothing to ease or cooperate."

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