2193 tickets for wealth, Match opensγ NFT "Special Auction"

24-10-17 20:00
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Article source: Match

In the past month and a half, the NFT auction of Match, the creator of the value network, has been the focus of the community. At present, the process is more than halfway through, and five auctions have been completed, and the NFT reserve price has increased by 214% cumulatively.

On October 16, Match official tweeted that a special "special auction" will be held on October 18, and a total of 2,193 rare  γ NFTs will be re-auctioned, and every player will have the opportunity to regain the precious Match ecological wealth ticket.

In fact, these γ NFTs were sold out in the first five auctions due to insufficient bids from some players. Interestingly, many people in the Match community previously believed that the official would keep these NFTs for mining or sell them privately for profit. But the official's latest move undoubtedly slapped everyone in the face, and once again verified the fairness and justice of the project and its grand vision.

"Listening to the voice of the community has always been one of Match's core values. We are very grateful for your attention and support for the Match project!" the official said.

1. γ NFT has a higher price and stronger staking mining capabilities

Why must you participate in this Match "special auction"? Because γ NFT is more scarce, has a higher value, and has stronger mining capabilities.

First, let's give a brief introduction to new users. Match is a SocialFi platform project that integrates Web3 finance and artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It is rapidly building an efficient value social network to meet users' extensive needs for obtaining cutting-edge information, reaching high-quality projects, and optimizing investment strategies. With the superposition of the three king-level combined narratives of AI+SocialFi+Meme, Match's future valuation will be at least $1.5 billion, and up to $20 billion or even $30 billion.

The dual assets of the Match platform are NFT and token RFG. Among them, the output channels of RFG are currently: airdrops (accounting for 10%), RFG lossless pledge mining, LP liquidity mining, including NFT pledge mining-single-person mining and social matching joint mining SMS.

Match sets up three types of NFT pledge pools: single NFT pool, double NFT pool and triple NFT pool. Through different NFT mining gameplay, users are attracted to actively interact and the social activity of the product is improved. In addition, NFT can generate RFG, which also increases the long-term value of NFT. As long as users hold NFT, it is equivalent to getting a "golden shovel" and can obtain income continuously.

Therefore, NFT is actually the most important asset of Match, and γ NFT is the top priority. The value of γ NFT is reflected in three aspects: scarcity, mining ability and higher transaction price.

Higher scarcity. The total amount of NFT is 45,000, which is divided into three types: α, β, and γ. Match officially introduced a random algorithm in the English auction: NFT type blind box. After each NFT auction is completed, users can only determine whether they have won the lottery; but the specific type of NFT can only be known when the user actually receives and opens it. Although the number of different types of NFTs in each auction is equal, the probability of obtaining different types of NFTs is different. The probabilities of α, β, and γ are 50%, 30%, and 20%, respectively. Judging from the actual auction results, in the first five NFT auctions, the unsold NFTs were all γ, which also made this type of NFT very scarce.

Stronger mining ability. Different types of NFTs represent different mining weights, and the mining weights of α, β, and γ are 1.1 times, 1.2 times, and 1.3 times, respectively-γ has the highest mining weight, so its value is relatively higher. For example, on the Match platform, under the same conditions, the current mining income of the three types of single NFT mining pools, α, β, and γ, are 81.65%, 92.33%, and 108.37% respectively.

The price is higher. The differences in the following two dimensions are ultimately directly reflected in the price level, and the price of γ NFT is also higher than that of α NFT. On the OKX NFT trading platform, the floor prices of α, β and γ NFTs are 0.0771 ETH (202 USD), 0.0829 ETH (217 USD) and 0.12 ETH (314.64 USD), respectively. The difference between the highest price and the lowest price is 112.64 USD, which is really not to be underestimated.

If calculated by revenue, the starting price of the first auction was $70, and the final transaction price was $90.95. Assuming that a user is very lucky to win the γ NFT, which is now worth $314.64 and has a yield of 245.94%. According to the current reserve price increase (26.2%), the NFT reserve price will reach $740 by the last phase, that is, the NFT assets held by the first phase participants will increase by more than 710%; and the price of γ NFT is usually 1.43 times higher than the reserve price, which is about $1,058, and the user's yield can even be expected to reach 1,063%.

If you participate in the special γ NFT auction on October 18 and are lucky enough to win the lottery, according to the starting price of $220, the yield of the last issue can reach 321%. Of course, considering that this γ NFT is very rare and the competition is bound to be fierce, the final transaction price must be higher than $220. The estimated transaction price is about $350, and the user's yield of the last issue is 202%.

It should be noted that the above γ NFT income does not calculate the RFG income generated by NFT mining. In fact, as the price of RFG rises, the income generated by γ NFT mining is bound to be higher, and users participating in the Match auction can truly "eat and take".

Second, use the rules cleverly to increase the probability of obtaining γ NFT?

The market’s enthusiastic demand for γ NFT was also noticed by Match officials, and the γ NFT special auction was born.

In the latest announcement, the official said: "Each auction has 1,350 NFTs of each type, α, β and γ, but some failed to sell due to bidding by some bidders, which led to an imbalance of different types of NFTs in the market. Considering the community's enthusiasm for auctions and the strong demand for γ NFTs, in order to ensure market balance, Match decided to temporarily join the failed auction site on October 18, 2024. All failed NFTs from the first to fifth phases will be auctioned in this auction."

In fact, the focus of this issue is γ NFT, a total of 2,193 pieces, and the auction time is 10:00-22:00 on October 18, Beijing time, and the starting price of all NFTs is US$220.

In addition, the official added that the NFT transaction price of this auction does not affect the starting price of the sixth official auction, and the starting price of the sixth auction will still be $220. "Listening to the voice of the community has always been part of Match's values. Thank you for your attention and support for the Match project."

Referring to the participation in the first five auctions, a total of 17,925 people participated, with an average of more than 3,000 people per auction, and a total of 2,193 γ NFTs this time. Therefore, the fierce competition in this special auction can be imagined. To get more γ NFTs, here are some methods worth considering.

Users increase the probability of obtaining γ NFTs by staking RFG.

The more RFG a user stakes, the higher the Boost coefficient will be when NFT stakes to generate RFG, up to 2. Users can choose different staking periods, such as 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, and 360 days. The longer the period, the higher the interest income. Regular staking cannot be released before expiration. According to calculations, users only need to stake 14.4 million RFG tokens for 360 days, and the Boost coefficient can reach a maximum value of 2, and the probability of users bidding for γ NFTs will reach 50%. As shown below:

Assuming that the user has not staked RFG, the probabilities of obtaining α, β, and γ are: 50%, 30%, and 20%, respectively. If the user gets a boost (1<= boost <= 2) after staking RFG, the probability of getting γ will be increased by: r = (boost - 1) * 30% (that is, the probability does not exceed 30%, and the total probability of getting γ does not exceed 50%). Finally, the probability of the staking user getting NFTs of various levels is changed to:

 α: 50% - r

 β: 30% (the probability of the user getting β remains unchanged)

 γ: 20% + r

In short, the more RFG tokens a user stakes, the higher the probability of getting γ NFT, up to 50%.

In addition, users can directly bid higher in the auction to prevent the γ NFT from being auctioned off. The current market price of γ NFT is $314.64. It is recommended to directly bid more than $300. To be on the safe side, directly bid $400 per piece to definitely win at least one NFT.

Match has a random algorithm pricing mechanism, and the pricing will change with the number of participants and the market heat. The system will calculate the number of people who get 2 NFTs based on the number of bidders and the final bid, and the remaining bidders will get 1 NFT according to the order of bid ranking. The bid for the last NFT of each auction is the pricing of the current NFT; The investment that does not get the NFT or the investment that exceeds the transaction price will be refunded.

Therefore, users do not have to worry about asking too high a price. After all, the transaction is finally carried out at the lowest price, and the extra funds will be refunded. Everyone can make an active offer. More importantly, this is a deterministic auction. Once you win the lottery, you will definitely get γ NFT. Such an opportunity is very rare.

3. γ NFT: Joint matching mining far exceeds individual mining

With γ NFT, how to maximize the benefits? There are currently three ways for reference.

The first is single NFT pledge mining. The official platform shows that the annualized return of the γ NFT pledge pool is 108.37%; if the user pledges RFG, the Boost coefficient bonus is up to 2 times, then the annualized return can be up to 216.7%, which is equivalent to a 170-day payback period; if the price of RFG rises, the payback period will be further shortened.

This mining method is not the most efficient, and Match's biggest feature is joint matching social mining, that is, multi-NFT mining. At present, the annualized returns of the dual NFT mining pool are 169.3%, 203.2% and 222% from low to high. The 3 NFT mining pool has the highest mining return, with an annualized return of 384%, which means it takes 95 days to pay back the investment; if staking RFG achieves a 2x Boost bonus, the payback period of the 3 NFT mining pool will be shortened by one step.

There is a problem here. If you want to jointly match staking mining with players holding other NFTs, players need to add friends first, which is equivalent to expanding their social circle. If you don't want to continue joint staking mining, you can also flexibly exit. Users can cancel social matching mining by applying for release of staking or forced release of staking. To apply for unstaking, you need to pay 5% of the income as a fine, which will be shared equally with other teammates; to force unstaking, you need to pay 10% of the income as a fine, which will be shared equally with teammates to ensure the interests of other users.

If you think it’s too much trouble to join forces with others to mine, you can also buy/auction other types of NFTs yourself, collect three types and invest in three NFT mining pools. However, this method is relatively expensive and more suitable for players with strong financial resources.

Match NFT decentralized English auction is not only the practice of the MEME spirit, but also gives every user an equal opportunity to obtain project dividends. Today’s Match is like the early days of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The sooner you get on board, the higher the returns.

This article comes from a contribution and does not represent the views of BlockBeats.

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