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Sleepless AI: Talk about the future of HIM & HER
Episode Summary
[Podcast Highlights] - Introduction to the Sleepless team and the origin of the project - The advantages and disadvantages of the current experience provided by virtual companions and companion apps - The experience of the target users and draw on the experience of past projects - What users can do in the App now and what they can do in the future - Is the theme of love single-minded and limiting its audience? The companionship that many new generations pursue is not “love” as generally defined. - Looking for companionship in the v
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Gas Hero Producer Johnny: Programming Gas Hero’s Heroic Dream
In this podcast, Johnny, the producer of Gas Hero, talks about the origin, design concept and user experience of Gas Hero. [Podcast Highlights] -The origin of the game Gas Hero - What is the core of Web3 games? Based on this understanding, what trade-offs were made during the production of the game? - Discuss in detail the design priorities of each part - The difference between the production and development process and the traditional game development experience - Marketing, community and promotion - User types, what kind of fu
00分00秒 2024-01-23
Single Episode:28