ETHShanghai 2024 Summit will be held on October 16
时间 10Month 16Day 09Hour 30 - 10Month 16Day 19Hour 00
编组 /
Guests:Jim Rogers、Tim Beiko、Hon. Duncan Chiu等
About the Activity

ETHShanghai 2024 Summit will be held in Shanghai at 9:30 am on October 16th, and is jointly organized by core members such as ETHPanda, TinTinLand and ChainFeeds. Adhering to the concept of decentralization and openness, this summit is free and open to all participants.

Ethereum and Shanghai: The Eastern Imprint of On-chain Civilization

Shanghai is a city with a deep connection with Ethereum. In the early days of Ethereum, Vitalik Burterin visited Shanghai many times and established close relationships with crypto leaders such as Fenbushi partner Shen Bo, Bihu founder Guru and Jan Xie. In 2016, Ethereum Devcon 2 was successfully held in Shanghai, further deepening the connection between the city and Ethereum. It is for this reason that Ethereum's important upgrade after the merger was named "Shanghai Upgrade".

On May 20, 2022, the first Ethereum and Web3 Developer Summit ETHShanghai was successfully held in Shanghai, symbolizing that the connection between Ethereum and the city has entered a new stage. As an Ethereum community conference focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, ETHShanghai provides a platform for learning and communication for developers, researchers, founders, investors and practitioners in related fields.

The ETHShanghai 2022 Summit is hosted by Mask Network and sponsored and supported by the Ethereum Foundation, CBCGDF, Business China, ChainIDE and Mecha Morphing. The core topics of the summit covered Web3 global collaboration, Ethereum 2.0, decentralized Internet, NFT art and its philosophical concepts, etc., and attracted many heavyweight guests, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, ConsenSys founder and CEO Joseph Lubin, Mask Network founder Suji Yan, Arweave founder Sam Williams, Pure White Matrix CEO Wu Xiao and Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal.

In addition to the offline summit, ETHShanghai 2022 also held a two-week hackathon competition (May 20 to June 3), which brought together more than 200 teams, focusing on hot topics such as decentralized social networking, including Metamail, which allows users to use wallet addresses (such as ENS) as email addresses, and the capital flow protocol Superfluid.

In view of the success of the first summit in 2022, the second summit ETHShanghai 2023 was held again from June 29 to 30, 2023, co-organized by Mask Network, Moonshot Commons, Lunar Workshop, ChainIDE and THUBA Tsinghua Blockchain Association, focusing on the Ethereum open source technology ecosystem, and discussing the underlying infrastructure of blockchain, decentralized storage, on-chain data processing, Layer 2, zero-knowledge proof technology, developer tools and the combination of Web3 and AI. Guests included Ethereum Foundation member Tim Beiko, Axiom co-founder Yi Sun, Kakarot CEO Elias Tazartes, Arweave founder Sam Williams and NEAR co-founder Illia Polosukhin.

Meanwhile, the ETHShanghai 2023 hackathon was held from June 25 to July 7, attracting nearly 600 developers to participate, with topics covering Ethereum infrastructure, L2 and on-chain games, applications, AI and blockchain, and developer tools. In the end, several innovative projects were born, such as IZAR, a protocol for privacy-preserving interoperability between Ethereum and Aleo ecosystems, and WASM-Cairo, a Cairo runtime and development toolkit based on Webassembly.

ETHShanghai 2024 is about to set sail!

ETHShanghai 2024 is the third summit in the series and will be held in Shanghai at 9:30 on October 16. The theme of the summit is "Igniting Ethereum's Future of Applications", which will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, social evenings and other activities. In addition, adhering to the core concept of decentralization and openness, ETHShanghai 2024 is free and open to all participants.

The ETHShanghai Organizing Committee will be solely responsible for organizing and coordinating matters related to the conference. As a non-profit public committee, the members of this organizing committee include but are not limited to:

· ETHPanda: A group of Ethereum builders dedicated to providing support for Ethereum and promoting the interaction and development of the Chinese network.

· TinTinLand:A platform focused on the Web3 developer community, promoting the growth and innovation of Web3 developers.

· ChainFeeds:A Web3 content aggregation platform that explores the latest trends in the Crypto field.

With the recent increase in controversy surrounding Ethereum, issues such as inflation and the choice of L1 and L2 routes have become the focus. Against this backdrop, through the ETHShanghai 2024 Summit, developers, researchers and investors will gather together to discuss these challenges and opportunities in depth, which may bring new perspectives and inspiration to the community.

The specific summit schedule will be updated later, so stay tuned for the wonderful presentation of the ETHShanghai 2024 Summit.

· Official website link: https://ethshanghai.org/

· Official Twitter link: https://x.com/EthereumSH

· Scan the QR code to sign up immediately

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